Chapter eleven

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It was late. A blanket of bright stars and dark blue silk covered the sky as the soft shimmering moonlight danced on the water of a lake. Lush green trees and bushes surrounded the sand around the lake. In that secluded area was a large yet smooth boulder. A boulder that left an open seat for a girl with golden hair.

That young teenage girl hummed a soft rhythmic tune that tangoed with the light breeze that caressed her skin. This was a quiet place. A place where she could enjoy the beauty of the earth. A place where she felt connected with her late mother.

I wish I could have met you. There's so much I wish I could tell you. The girl thought as she glanced down towards her lap. In her hands she held an old photograph. In front of that very lake stood a woman with long, golden blonde hair and a hopeful smile. A simple yet beautiful violet dress covered the woman's body, although it was the woman that brought out the beauty of the fine dress.

Lucy: "Layla, are you here?"

The blonde questioned before glancing up at the lake. She knew she was most likely not receive an answer but hoped letting it all out would relieve some of her stress. Smiling to herself she then spoke up once more.

Lucy: "I'm not entirely sure if you know about my situation but...I'm hoping you can help me understand everything. Was all of this supposed to happen? Is there even a purpose to all of this? Do I have a purpose?"

A sigh was released from her lips as her thumb caressed the photograph in her hand. She was confused. She never met her mother yet there she was asking her for answers. Searching for a shoulder to cry on when there wasn't even a shoulder to begin with. Had she gone mad?

Then a single tear slipped from her. When it rolled down her right cheek she had realized it had escaped from her chocolate brown eyes with out her even knowing. Was she crying because of her mother...? but could she miss someone she had never met? Or was she crying at the fact that she had no one by her side to help her with these painful emotions?

Lucy: "A tear...?"

She says under a breath with a questioning tone. A soft scoff came from her lips before she wiped it away. The girl wasn't one to cry. She bottled and chained every painful experience inside of her. She did her best to never release them because she saw no point in burdening the world with her sorrows. This girl was alone, alone in her world.

Snapping her out of her depressive state was the ringing of her phone. Someone was calling her...but who could it be this late in the night? Sliding her hand into her cluttered bag she searched for the ringing phone with her fingers. Once found she pulled it out and read it's caller ID.

Natsu..? I wonder why he's calling. She thought to herself before finally picking up the phone call. Putting on the speaker she then spoke up and answered his unexpected call.

Lucy: "Hello?"

Natsu: "Where are you? You're not at your house."

He asked in a serious and straight forward tone. She had expected a "Hello" back but instead was greeted with astrange and upfront question.

Lucy: "Um... I went out for some fresh air, why?"

Natsu: "Do you have any idea of what time it is? You shouldn't be out so late."

Lucy: "I'll be alright. I know how to defend myself."

She states in a reassuring tone but he doesn't buy it. Although Lucy didn't want to admit it, he was correct. It wasn't safe to be out so late, alone. Especially with so many dangers that creek upon every street but...the most dangerous threat she could think of was him, right? But she guessed she was safe for now as his 'pet'.

Pet of an incubus 「Nalu fanfic」Where stories live. Discover now