Chapter 20- An Unhappy Ending

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Chapter 20

February 16th

Joey’s POV

“SHANE!” I gasped.

I fell to my knees next to his still body, feeling for a pulse on his neck. I felt no gentle beat that was so familiar to me.

The sadness hadn’t hit me yet. All I felt was rage. Suddenly, the pain in my back no longer bothered me. With a roar that I didn’t know I had in me, I stood on strong legs and charged towards Sawyer. He stood half in the shadows, still holding the gun up in front of him. His hands visibly shook, and his face was pale. I grabbed his collar when I reached him and pushed him up against a tree.

“How. Dare. You. He’s dead now! DEAD, SAWYER!” My voice was low and full of anger.

“I... Sorry. I...” Sawyer stammered, gasping for breath. My fist pressed against his throat.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it! You just killed my best friend, and now you’re going to die.” I yelled, little drops of spittle flying in his face.

His eyes widened. I put my free left hand on the top of Sawyer’s head, released his collar, and put my right hand under his chin.

“Joey... No-” Sawyer tried to say, but I silenced him with a quick jerk of my hands.

The snap of his neck sounded deafening in the silence of nature. He crumpled to the ground. I left him at the base of the tall oak tree, and walked back to Shane’s corpse. Adrenaline still pounded through my body. I opened the back door of Shane’s truck. Grunting, I bent and pulled Shane into the back seat and shut the door. I walked around the back of the truck to the cab and got in. When I turned the key in the ignition, the truck’s engine roared to life, and I drove off, the dead body of the man I loved in the backseat.

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