Chapter 3- The Big Moment

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Chapter 3

February 14th

Shane’s POV

    “Lisa Schwartz, will you marry me?” I held my breath as Lisa’s eyes widened. She looked at me, then the ring, then at me. It must have been about a minute before she answered, but to me it felt like hours.

    “Shane... Of course! How could I say no?!?!?!?!” Lisa smiled and held out her left hand with her fingers spread. I put the ring on her, then stood and kissed Lisa long and hard.

    “Joey, you can come out now!” I yelled to Joey, who emerged from the hall closet. Lisa looked surprised to see him, but then walked over to him and hugged him.

    “What do you think, Joey? Does the ring look good on me?” She showed the ring to him.

    “Yes! Congrats Shane, Lisa! Do you know when the wedding will be?” He asked.

    I looked at Lisa blankly.

    “I kinda sorta didn't think of the actual wedding part yet... Oops?” I smiled sheepishly.

    “Haha, I didn't either.” Lisa laughed.

    “Well, Lisa... Um... Remember that you didn't know that I was proposing today?” I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Oh... Duh,” She slapped her forehead. “Of course. That's just the mixture of my excited shock and my blondeness!” She laughed. Joey looked at his watch.

“Hey, I’m really happy for you guys, but I have to go. I told Sawyer I would be back by 5:30. With traffic, I might be late. Sorry. Let me know about wedding plans!” Joey smiled, and once again I could see that sadness deep in his eyes.

“Bye Joey! See ya later!” Lisa laughed cheerfully.

Joey walked out of the living room, and a minute later I heard the front door close.

“Was it just me, or did it seem like Joey was acting a little... Odd? He seemed really... I don't know... Sad, almost. Did you see that in his eyes?” I asked Lisa.

“Nope. What could he be sad about? But right now, who cares?! SHANE, WE’RE ENGAGED! C’mon, let’s go celebrate. I think we might have some wine from last Christmas...” Lisa said to me.

“I bought some champagne a few days ago for dinner sometime... I know you like it.” I took her hand and we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the champagne, and two glasses, and then poured a generous amount for both of us.

“To #Sho- Er,  #Shisa! I love you.” I mentally slapped myself as Lisa gave me an odd look.

“Shoey? Shane... Why were you going to say Shoey?” Lisa asked me.

“Haha, I was thinking about Joey. Sorry, babe. Now, back to US. To Shisa!” I lifted my glass, and Lisa followed suit, shaking her head as she lifted her glass.

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