Chapter 4- Broken Inside

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Chapter 4

February 14th

Joey’s POV


“What do you think, Joey? Does the ring look good on me?” She showed me the gorgeous  gold ring.

    “Yes! Congrats Shane, Lisa! Do you know when the wedding will be?” I asked them. As much as it pained me to see Shane fully taken with no hopes of becoming available, I couldn't just be totally mopey and burst their happy newly-engaged buzz.

Shane looked at Lisa looked at Lisa blankly.

    “I kinda sorta didn't think of the actual wedding part yet... Oops?” Shane smiled sheepishly.

    “Haha, I didn't either.” Lisa laughed.

    “Well, Lisa... Um... Remember that you didn't know that I was proposing today?” Shane furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her.

“Oh... Duh,” She slapped her forehead. “Of course. That's just the mixture of my excited shock and my blondeness!” She laughed. I looked at my watch.

“Hey, I’m really happy for you guys, but I have to go. I told Sawyer I would be back by 5:30. With traffic, I might be late. Sorry. Let me know about wedding plans!” I smiled, hoping that I didn't look sad.

“Bye Joey!” Lisa smiled and waved to me.

I walked out, shutting the door behind me. It closed louder than I expected and I cringed. I just had to get out of that place, with Lisa and Shane being so lovey-dovey and cute. I resented myself for thinking this, but I wish that Shane would cheat on Lisa or something like that and they would break up, but I could tell that that wasn't going to happen. They truly loved each other. Plus, Shane wasn't gay.

I finally made it to my car, Satsuki, (named after one of the main characters in Totoro)and got in. I drove halfway home, but then the grief really got to me and I had to pull into the parking lot of a park.

I parked and put my head against the steering wheel. Covering my eyes with my hands, I finally allowed the tears that had been gathering in my eyes to come out. They poured out, wetting the right thigh of my skinny jeans. After about 15 minutes of crying, my tears finally stopped and I got out of the car. I walked over to the swingset in the park, sat down, and began swinging. It was very childish, but I swung out my sadness for a while. After I felt ok again, I went back to Satsuki and went home.

I walked in and Sawyer Hartman, my friend and roommate, was sitting at the kitchen table looking at his phone. He looked up when I walked in. Blushing, he put his phone away.

“Hi Sawyer. What were you doing on your phone there? You look guilty.” I asked him.

“I... Uh... I was just um... Looking at twitter. What do you want for dinner? I'm feeling too lazy to cook so I thought we could order take out.” He tried to divert my question with food. I looked at him strangely but shook it off. He was probably sexting some girl...

“Ummm... How does pizza and salad sound? I can call Pizza My Heart and get a medium pizza and some chicken caesar salad.” I replied. I loved me some chicken, so it had to  involved somehow, obviously.

“You and your chicken... But that sounds cool. What kind of pizza do you want to get?” Sawyer laughed at me.

“You pick.”

“I'm feeling plain today. How does half cheese half pepperoni sound?” He suggested.

“Cool. I can pick it up if they don't deliver.”

“Ok, thanks Joey.” He looked closer at me. “Are those... Tear tracks on your face?” He asked.

“Er... I... Um... I accidentally... Hit a squirrel on the way home... From the park.” I knew that my excuse was lame but I couldn't think of anything else.

“Um... Ooookkkk... I’m gonna go call the pizza place. I’ll call you when you need to pick up the pizza." Sawyer grabbed his phone off the table and went to his room. I followed him to my room, took a nice, hot shower, and put on sweats and a tank top. I flopped on my bed, then opened twitter on my iPhone. Just as I was favoriting a post from Connor Franta, another one of my friends and fellow YouTubers, my phone buzzed with a text from Sawyer.

“Why is he texting me when he is in the room next to me?” I wondered. Regardless, I opened the text.

“Joey- I have something really important to tell you. Can you come to my room?” It read.

“Yeah, sure. Be right there.” I texted back, then got up and went to his room.      


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