Chapter 13- It Worked

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Chapter 13

February 14th

Sawyer’s POV

The cab Joey called took me to the hospital, where I got my hand bandaged up after being in the waiting room for an hour and a half. My knuckles were indeed shattered, and I needed a cast for about a month or so, depending on how long it took to heal. Once I was done in the E.R, I took another cab home. When I got there, all of Joey’s stuff was already gone. All that remained in his room was the TV cabinet, the bed (stripped bare of sheets), and his old desk. The sight of the empty room saddened me, but I sucked it up. I locked the door from the inside, then walked out and shut the door. I didn't want to have to even know that room, or Joey, existed anymore. I went back into my room and texted Jen to let her know that the whole anime movie idea was cancelled. Suddenly, a brilliant idea floated through my head. I went downstairs and sat down at my desk, phone in hand, and began texting and emailing the necessary people to carry out my new plan.

Hours laters, I turned off my computer and put my dinner dishes into the dishwasher, then went upstairs and put on my pajamas. Checking the clock, I realized it was five minutes to midnight. I turned off the lights, then climbed into bed. The last thing I remembered before drifting off to bed was the ingenuity of my plan, dangerous as it was.

February 15th

My alarm went off at 8:00 am. I got up and took a shower, then went downstairs and ate some cereal for breakfast. After breakfast, I hacked into Joey’s phone through my computer. I was able to get into the feed and have my computer alert me every time Joey texted or called someone, or someone called or texted him. Once I was done, I decided to film a new video for my YouTube channel.

I ended up filming the “My First Time” tag. After I was done filming, I edited it and uploaded it to my channel. I checked my watch. 10:43 am. I yawned. I hadn't slept too well, and it was late when I fell asleep, so I was tired.

"Maybe I’ll go lie down and take a short nap." I thought to myself. I went upstairs and collapsed onto my bed, lapsing back into a deep sleep.

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” I woke with a start. My computer downstairs was beeping.

"The alert for Joey’s phone!" I realized. I rushed downstairs, not bothering to check the time. I sat down heavily in my fluffy desk chair and tapped into the phone call.

“Hey Luke, it’s Joey!” Joey said.

“Hi Joey! What’s up?” Luke responded.

“Not much. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out, maybe play some videogames or something?” Joey asked.

“Yeah, sounds great! What time?”

“Lets see... What time is it now? 4:03... How about in half an hour? Maybe we can go get dinner with Shane and Lisa too, once they get back.”

“Yeah, sounds cool! Where did they go?” Luke asked.

“No idea. They were already gone when I got up.” Joey told Luke.

“Oh, ok. See you in half an hour then!”

“Ok, bye Luke!”

“Bye Joey.” They both hung up.

I smiled. This was the perfect starting time for my plan. I checked my watch and realized that it was 4:04... I had slept for almost four and a half hours! I shook my head, then went back upstairs and grabbed my phone. I texted my employees and gave them the further details for my plan. It was beginning.

Half an hour later, my phone rang. I answered it.

“Hello?” I asked.

“It has worked. Joey is being held hostage at the point discussed.” The gruff, male voice of my main employee told me. I smiled.

“Thank you. I will be there soon.” I replied, then hung up.

It had worked. It all started today...

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