Chapter 14- Kidnapper Revealed

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Chapter 14

February 15th

Joey’s POV


I can't see.

I can't hear.


Why me?

Someone save me.

Why’s it so dark?

Is this hell?


I’m so thirsty...

When was the last time I ate?

It’s freezing here.

Why is the ground so hard...?



They dragged me from the trunk of the car and let me fall heavily to the concrete ground. They checked my bonds again, and tied my feet together. For what felt like forever they dragged me on the rough concrete, until we reached a doorway, which they opened. I heard the door creak when they opened it. It sounded old, and heavy. One of the men grabbed my legs and began walking down the stairs... My head bounced on each stone step... It hurt so bad. I don’t know what happened after that. I passed out after about 30 steps... Next thing I remember is waking up in a completely dark room. The bag the covered my head was gone, but my hands and feet were still tied together. I don't know how long I stayed there for...


It was so cold. All I could do was lay on the floor, motionless. Waiting. Waiting for something to happen, someone to save me. I couldn't save myself. I was helpless...


They brought me food and water sometimes. Those rare times were enough to keep me alive, certainly, but just barely. They let me out every... It must have been every few hours to go to the bathroom. To take me, they put the horrendous bag back on my head and led me down a corridor. I was there for god knows how long. It felt like an eternity, though it was probably just a few weeks.


After what felt like an eternity, light filtered through my blindfold, and i could tell that someone had entered my cell, room, whatever I was being held in.

“I’m sorry, Joey. This was the only way to get you to listen to me. To get you to... Love me.” A voice I recognized said.


“Sawyer?! Sawyer! Help me! Here, untie me. Someone kidnapped me, I don't know how long, but it feels like forever. Why aren’t you helping me!?” I panicked. I couldn't see his face, but I hoped he was making a move to help me.

“I know you got kidnapped. I caused it. I set this whole thing up myself. It’s for your own good...” Sawyer sounded sad, yet hard and cold at the same time.

“Wha-... Oh. Sawy-” I began to process what he told me.

“DON’T!” Sawyer’s voice thundered out, cutting me off. “Sorry... Please, just don't. Just listen to me. I can explain.” I sighed at him.

“Go on... But can you at least untie me? I’d like to make eye contact while we speak.” I asked. He complied. My blindfold came off. I watched as he pulled a pocket knife out and struggled to open it with his left hand and his broken, bandaged right.

“Er... Is there anyone else here that could do that for you? You’re right handed... I’m a bit nervous with you using a knife near me when you have to use your left hand.” I told Sawyer.

“Oh, yeah... Sorry...” He stood and walked to the door of my chamber, which as I looked around, I realized that the room was more of a... dungeon cell, rather than a room. It was small, slightly damp, and very dark, save for the lantern that Sawyer had brought with him when he entered. The door was large and made of wood, with a small barred window in the middle.

“Xavier! Come help me!” Sawyer called through the bars of the door. A tall, burly, blonde man entered the cell, and cut my bonds off. I stood, and stretched. After being stuck in one position for so long, my joints were sore.

“SIT!” Sawyer yelled. I saw the panic in his eyes.

“Calm down! I’m not going to try and make a run for it. You probably have tons of people posted here that could easily hurt me. I’m not going to risk that when I’m so weak.” I explained, but sat.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So explaining... I did this because I love you, Joey. The only way you would ever notice me was if it was your only choice!” Sawyer sat in front of me, passionate anger burning in his light colored eyes.

“Sawyer... All you needed to do was express this. Instead you stormed out of dinner!”

“I TRIED! You wouldn’t listen to me! It’s all about Shane, Shane, Shane! Never me! I’m just your best friend. Nothing more. What does Shane have that I don't?” I could tell Sawyer’s temper was starting up again. I thought carefully before I responded.

“I suppose you never really seemed gay to me, so I never thought of the possibility of a relationship with you. Shane always seemed a bit gay to me, even though obviously he isn't now... But I guess I never considered anything between us.”

“Oh... I never thought about it like that... I’m so sorry, Joey. I never really realized I would ever be interested in guys. Honestly, it’s really only you I’m into. It’s just you, Joey. Always you.”

“Er... I don’t know what to say, Sawyer.” I replied.

"I hope I don’t hurt anyone's feelings..." I thought to myself.

“Don't say anything. I’ll let you out in a few days if you agree to go out with me.” Sawyer replied tartly.

“Fine, cool. I just want to get out. This place sucks. Where are we, anywhere?” I asked, curious.

“A small place I know of in Oregon. An old, abandoned army base. Not many people know of it.” Sawyer told me, then got up and left.

I don't have a few more days. I need to get out of here, and soon. I thought. I began to devise a plan in my head.

"I’ll be out of here by tomorrow night!"  

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