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*3 years later*

Author's Note:

Elena and her friends are now sophomores in college. Matt is not going to the same college as the others. Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and Stefan go to Whitmore College together!! ❤️❤️

{Elena's P.O.V}

"..................yes mom. I just had dinner with Stefan." I explained to my mother on the phone.

"............. yeah, he just dropped me at my apartment."

"Alright. Love you too. Bye." I said, finally hanging up.

I dropped my stuff on my bed. Caroline and Bonnie weren't home yet. They were at a party.

I decided to freshen up.

I put my hair up in a bun and headed to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, I changed into my pyjamas.

That's when I heard my phone ring.

I smiled to myself when I saw the caller ID.

"Hello." I said, smiling into the phone.

"I miss you." He said, groaning.

"Stefan. It's been only half an hour." I said, laughing.

"I know!! But I miss you already." He said.

"I miss you too." I said.

"I had fun tonight. Thank You!" I said as I plopped down on the bed.

"Me too. Hey. Do you want to study together tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure. But our majors barely match Stefan." I said stating the obvious.

"I know. We can just study you know. Or we can do something else if you want." He said, his voice playful.

"Oh yeah??? Sounds tempting. But no thanks. I'd like to study." I said giggling.

"Ughhh alright." He groaned.

"Student lounge? 2 ish?"

"Sure. That'll do. I like me a study date."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye. I love you." He said.

"Love you more."

"Not possible."

"Very much possible." I said, giggling.







"Ughhh. You guys are so lovey-dovey." Caroline said from behind me, Bonnie followed through.

"Have you been eavesdropping?!"

"Maybe." She said laughing.

"Stefan. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said, hanging up.

"Epic Love." I heard Caroline mutter.

I tried to hide my smile.

"So how was the party?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It was fun. You should've come." Bonbon said.

"Next time."

Our dorm room was huge. It could fit 3 beds and some extra furniture.

Caroline's bed was at the far left, mine was in the middle was Bonnie's was to the right side.

Once settled in bed, we started talking about stuff. Like we usually do.

"So, what classes have you got tomorrow Bon?"

"I've got an Econ class tomorrow at 12 and then English with you guys at 3." She said, in the dark.


I heard Caroline yawn loudly in the dark, making Bonnie snicker.

"Good Night guys." She said, her voice tired.

"Good Night Care bear." Bon and I said in unison.

After Caroline fell asleep, Bonnie and I talked for a few more minutes, until I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

"Good Night Bon." I said, groggily.

"Night Elena." She said, her voice groggy too.

We all lived together in the dorm and honestly, that was the best part of college.

Living with my best friends.

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