In Love All Over Again

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{Stefan's P.O.V}

"Stefan, come on!!!! We are gonna be late!!" Elena yelled from the living room.

"Coming!!! Just finding my keys!!" I yelled back.

I ruffled through the drawer, unable to find my keys.

Looking around the room, I found them lying on the dresser.

"Gotcha!!" I mumbled to myself.

I skipped down the stairs to see a slightly annoyed Elena tapping her foot.

"Hey." I said trying to be discreet.

"Finally." She said.

"Everyone's already there!!" She added.

"Alright. Alright. Let's go." I said kissing her cheek.

I walked towards the door, opening it.

"Let's go..... Elena??" I see her just standing there.

"Elena?" I ask again.

I walk back to where she is standing, "Elena? What happened?"

She had a content look on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" 

"Can you believe we are getting married in 15 days?!" She squealed.

I sighed contentedly, rubbing her arms.

"Of course. It's gonna be the best day of my life." I whispered back.

"I have waited for so long for this moment. I love you so much." She said, squeezing my hand.

"I love you too. Always and forever." I say to her, our faces inches apart.

A Love Like Their's - A Stelena FanficWhere stories live. Discover now