Caroline And Bonnie

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I get up from the bed hearing the honking of a car outside my house.

What is going on

I go up to the window and there he is.

Standing like a king. With his grace.




Standing there is Stefan Salvatore.

"What are you doing?" I yell from my bedroom.

"Wanna go to the school with me?" He yells back.

I couldn't help but smile.

He came to pick me up.

"Are you sure you won't mind?" I yell, smiling.

"Absolutely not." He smiles back.

"I'll be down in a minute."

I quickly grab my bag which was sitting on my bed and run downstairs.

I open the door and see Stefan standing there with his sunglasses on.

He looks dapper. Damn

I walk down the stairs and he opens his arms to hug me.

I run into his arms and I smell the same cologne.

He opens the passenger seat door and says, "After you, my lady."

"Thank You Mr. Salvatore." I say giggling.

He starts the engine and reaches behind for a bag sitting in the corner.

"I got McDonalds for you. I figured you didn't have time for breakfast." He says, grinning.

"That's so nice of you! I am starving!" I say, digging in.

I practically stuff the food in my mouth and suddenly I hear a giggle.

Stefan is laughing.

"What?" I say, my mouth stuffed with food.


"No tell me."

"You look cute with your mouth is stuffed with food like that."

I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and how I had completely forgotten that he was sitting right beside me.

I chew the food quickly, looking the other side.

"Sorry about that." I reply, embarrassed.

"Hey! It's okay! It's actually nice. It means that you are comfortable with me."

"Yeah I guess I am." I reply, smiling.

We finally reach school and Stefan pulls up into the parking lot.

As I get out of the car, I feel some girls staring daggers at me.


I skim the parking lot and see Caroline and Bonnie.

They are staring too.








"Hey Stefan? I'll be right back."


I walk across the parking lot to where Care and Bonnie are standing.

Caroline waves for me to come over quickly.

"SHUT THE FRONT SIDE AND BACK DOOR." Caroline says, cornering me.

"YOU AND SALVATORE?!" They both yell.

"I'm sorry you guys." I say, apologetically.

"Well you should be." Caroline says fake annoyed.

"I was going to tell you both but I wasn't sure myself."

"It's okay Elena. I am sorry I yelled at you." Caroline says, now smiling.

"We just want you to be happy." They both say in unison.

"Awww. That's so nice of you both. Yeah I really like him." I say blushing.

"So have you done it?" Caroline asks suddenly.

"Done what?" Bonnie and I wonder aloud.

When I finally understand what she meant, I swatted her arm playfully.



Bonnie starts laughing.

"Girl likes boy, Boy likes girl= Sex." She says, a devilish grin spread across her space.

"Oh boy." I say, laughing hysterically.

"No Caroline. We haven't done THE DEED yet."

"Caroline. You are something else." Bonnie says still laughing.

"I know." Care replies, giggling.

"Oh look! Salvatore is coming over." Caroline says.

"Everything all right?" Stefan asks, approaching us.

"Perfectly fine." We three say in unison.

"Stefan. They know about us." I say, whispering in his ear.

"Well. Hello? We are still here." Caroline says, again with her fake annoyed face.

"WE BOTH ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO! GROUP HUG!" Caroline says with her child like enthusiasm.

"Ah..... I don't hug." Stefan says.

"OH GET OVER YOURSELF." Caroline says pulling us all into a hug and giggling.


"Oh and Stefan?" Caroline says, pulling away from the hug.


"If you hurt her, I'll punch the shit out of you." Caroline says, staring hard at Stefan.

"Oh. Me Too." Bonnie says, joining Care in staring Stefan.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh there's no need for that." Stefan says, hugging me from behind.

"I'm not letting her go." He says, kissing my cheek, sweetly.











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