I'm Thinking Of You All The While

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{Stefan's P.O.V}

Once inside, I went straight to the hearth, to light up some wood, since it was freezing outside.

Elena went upstairs to change.

After a while I started prepping for dinner.

I decided to make some pasta tonight, since Elena loved Pasta.

I heard some shuffling upstairs and then down she descended.

Her cheeks were flushed and some of her wet hair stuck to her neck.

"Hey." She said, dropping the towel from her hand on the couch.

"What are you doing?" She asked, giving me a side hug.

"I'm cooking. You like pasta, right?"

"I LOVE PASTA!!!!!" She said, her eyes getting wide.

"Good." I said chuckling.

Reaching to the other side of the counter, she opened a drawer and got a bottle of red wine.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, while pouring both of us a glass.

"Nope. I'm good." I replied, as she handed me the glass.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and proceeded to sit on the couch.

I started chopping up some veggies, stealing a glance at Elena, when I realized she was looking at me too.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"My dad did all the cooking too. And my mother sat right here, watching him."

"Because she couldn't cook either?" I said, completing for her.

"Yeah. You remembered?" She said, surprised.

"Of course, I did." I said smiling.

"Fire's dying." Elena said, setting her glass aside.

"Oh, yeah. I'll go get more wood." I said, setting down the knife and washing my hands.

"I got it." She said.

"No, no. It's cold outside." I said, stating the obvious.

"So, I'll get a jacket." Elena said placing her hands on my chest.

"Let's go together then." She suggested.

We walked into her parent's old bedroom.

It was a huge bedroom.

Elena tossed a thick jacket at me.

"Bundle Up." She said, wearing her own jacket.

"It was my great-granddad's" She added.

Wearing it, I popped up the collar, admiring how perfectly it fit m.

"And you look very hot in it." She said, smirking.

"I look hot in your dead great-granddad's jacket?" I said posing.

"Beyond hot." She giggled.

I walked over to her slowly and hold her face in my hands.

I kiss her unexpectedly. Elena pulls back and says awkwardly, "Stefan this is my parent's bedroom."

I just smile at her for a second and place my lips on her again, but this time she kisses me back.

"The pasta is going to burn." She said, giggling.

I groan and walk back to the kitchen.

The food was ready and now the fireplace just needed some wood.

An hour or so later, we got ready for bed.

















As I lay awake that night in bed, I realized, there was no going back now.

Something shifted that night. I couldn't quite point it out.

I loved Elena. A lot.

I couldn't begin to visualize my life without her.

I didn't want to.

Though we started dating a few months ago, I loved her to death.

Elena is kind, she's sweet and passionate.

She is warm.

She deserves the best of everything and I hope I can give all of that to her. 

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