Chapter 24

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(make sure you have the song Shameless by the weekend ready to play in the middle of this chapter and hit play when i inform you *wink*)

Austin's p.o.v:

It's done
She finally knows who i am

"Deal, I'll kill him"

This isn't her,but she has the complete right to do whatever she wants to me

I'm not afraid of dying, I'll be free tho
All of this will be over,All of it

I deserve it

Plus being killed by someone you love is actually a good thing

The one who you love,sets you free
I honestly have no intention to do anything

Dave which was shocked from what Becky said, started untying her

I couldn't look up at all,i didn't have the guts

He handed her a gun,she aimed it at me

Come on pull the trigger love,be brave

"Come on Becky think of all the lies he's been telling you,think about all the time he's used you"Dave whispered to Becky standing behind her

I looked up finally and met her gaze

Her tears kept falling down but her face expression was serious

I just wish we had a better last moment

Dave walked to the wall​ near the door and leaned on it

"I have all the time in the world for watching this scene Becky,take your time"Dave calmly said waiting for Becky

"I need to talk to him first,alone"she lowered the gun and turned to Dave

"Not possible"he raised his eyebrows showing his disagreement

I had my eyes closed the whole time

"Wrong answer" Becky said

I heard the discharging sound of the gun

I couldn't control myself​ anymore
My curiosity is killing me
I opened my eyes

The scene was shocking

She was aiming the gun at Dave

What is she doing??

Dave was smiling ear to ear,then he started laughing out loud

"What A Nice show Becky"he clapped for him

Becky was taken aback

"The gun's empty"he smirked

Holy shit

Becky pulled the trigger and was out of bullets

He may be gullible,but he doesn't trust anyone

"But this one's full,and I'm gonna fucking kill both of you"He pulled out another gun angrily

First aiming at Becky

My heart stopped

A gunshot was heard

I closed my eyes immediately.
tbh i didn't want to open them after that sound

But i finally did

Becky was just standing there shocked

Did it hit her???

Hardest To Love⚜🌄Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora