Chapter 13

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Austin's p.o.v

I woke up early today although i slept for only 2hours.everyone were asleep but i needed fresh air.So I went for a walk to clear my mind off of my self coscious's annoying thoughts

I stepped out of the doorway and started my way towards the park

Since it was 8 i could barely see any kids there

I put on my headphones.

I closed my eyes as i took the fresh air into my lungs but then i was grabbed from behind.

One hand covering my mouth
And four hands holding my both legs and hands

Everything went black by seconds

I woke up in a dark room.

i winced when i felt a pain in my head.i could feel something like a needle on my back

I looked down.i was tied up to a chair. I noticed my was soaked with blood

It's not my blood!
Wtf is happening

The door burst open

"Wassup my fave killer?"Dave smirked


"What the hell do you want?you do know I'll kill you after all of this"i spat

"You're wrong"Dave smiled sitting in front of me on a chair

I gave him a confused look

"You don't remember what you did,do you?"he asked

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