chapter 11

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Becky's p.o.v

i took the garbage bag out and threw it away

I looked up in the was  dark but the stars were shining. Since it was chilly outside i felt goosebumps so i made my way back to Austin's house.

I felt really strong arms around me

as i was about to scream another strong hand covered my mouth. I tried to release myself but i failed

Then i  was pushed against a wall.tears falling down from my cheeks.i tried to scream again but my voice was weak.they were two fucking boys holding me tight against the wall

"Look,bitch,i aint got a lot of time so let me do what i want and then you're free babe"the guy with blue eyes told me.i started to cry even more when i felt one of them,zipping down my sweater. They both started to kiss and sucking down my neck.I felt their dirty hands on my body.i couldn't breathe,my tears were falling none stop.i wanted to scream but i couldn't.As they continued i move my head to left "HEEEELLLLPPP"i screamed and cried harder
"STFU!i told you to fucking shut up"the other guy shouted in my face .they covered my mouth again. God please kill me already i don't wanna feel this anymore.

"BECKY!"I heard Austin yelled.

"shit it's him,run!"the guys started to run away as soon as they heard him.

Austin ran to me hugging me tight
"sshhh im here,im here"he whispered
I subbed more into his chest
"It's ok,it's ok you're safe now"he whispered again
He picked me up bridal style and went back in the house
I quickly zipped up my sweater and he put me on the couche and he sat right in front of me

I avoided to look at him.i didn't want to see the anger in his eyes.i just looked down at my hands and sniffed

"Becky look at me"Austin said.i could sense the anger in his voice

I shook my head

He  started zipping down my sweater.i felt chills going down my's funny bc i feel hot

He stopped zipping it down up to my chest.i think he's stressed. Since he has never done something like this...i mean with me...well i HAD a bra on but it still felt strange

But he zipped it down eventually.
I finally looked up.He was staring at all those hickeys on my neck and breasts.there were so many of them.i felt tears in my eyes again.

He turned his head away from my face while closing his eyes shot and clenching his jawline

"Did you see their faces?"Austin asked with his eyes closed trying to calm himself.

I've never seen this side of him
Like he was a total stranger to me
His eyes looked dark and emotionless

"No but one of them had blue eyes"i whispered not sure to share these information

I saw his fists clenched on the couch

his knuckles turned white.
He strated to breathe heavily

"I'm fine Austin it's ok"i said as i zipped my sweater up.i wiped my tears off

He didn't respond.He just closed his eyes

"Hey look, I'm fine" i smiled pulling his chin up

I felt terrified
I was  scared

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