Chapter 4

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Austin's p.o.v

This girl can make your life 100% happier.

all you need is her smile.

you have no idea how i feel right now because this is not like me

This isn't like me at all

i have to be heartless
i have to be a cold-hearted
i can't be a caring person

but all of a sudden i turned into a whole new person

i have no clue what has gotten in me

i have to be ferious
i have to be bad

but i cant

Something so espcial about her changed me

I'm guessing you're all laughing at me
for liking a girl i just met yesterday

but believe me...I got lost the first minute i layed my eyes on her

that gorgeous smile
those pretty eyes
her little and cute body
and we have a really obvious height difference which i find it extremely cute
i have a thing for short girls...yeah

words can't even describe how perfect she is...

i heard becky knocking on my cars window from inside

I was still out, leaning on my car staring in the air
i was day dreaming again

"Woah what are you thinking about??" i heard she giggled as she rolled the window down
"you were frozen for like 5 minutes!"

i quickly shook my head
"what?nothing never mind"i smiled and made my way to driver's side.i hopped on quickly

"Where to Ma'am?" i asked robbing my hands together

"I have no idea"she shrugged

"Great because i already know where we're going"i started the engine and pull off to the road

"where are we going?"she asked

i just smirked looking at her

"you're scaring me"she had a worried look on her face

i laughed out loud
"Don't worry i won't kidnap you"i said

oh wait
what if you actually end up kidnapping her?

just no
i hate my self-conscious

there was pure silence in the car

"It's a surprise"i said

i thought it was a good idea to take her there

"ughhh i hate surprises"she crossed her hands over her chest

aw cutie

"Be patient lil Beck" i just smiled

it's completely dark outside even though it's 8 p.m

the road is dark as well

'thinking out loud' came on and i turned up the volume
i started hmming with the song
this song is one of my favorite songs

i looked over to Becky and i saw she was smiling

what is she thinking about though?
im hella curious

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