Chapter 14

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Austin's p.o.v:
It was actually a perfect idea to go to a music festival with Becky. We had a lot of fun

Fucking foot hurts due to dancing and jumping up and down a lot

(Fucking foot hurts lol Austin cussed in Kyle's sc.go check it out if you haven't already)

But driving back home and Becky's asleep in the passenger's seat.

The road is dark.i actually like driving in the dark makes my mind clear.when you notice how dark the road looks like,you can make your mind as emty as the road

I took a quick glance at Becky

She looks flawless. It may sound crazy but she's absolutely an angle

I wish i could love her without being worried so much

But since Dave ruined my life...i can't

But this horrible nightmare is gonna be over in 2 weeks...i mean i hope

And the good thing is we're leaving for a trip to Tampa tomorrow.

For us to get ready.and for Becky and my mom to have fun and chill a little bit

I really wish everything goes as i planned...

I parked my car in the drive way and made my way to the passenger's door

I don't wanna wake her up

I slowly picked her up bridal style and closed the door with my foot

She snuggled into my chest.i could feel her breathing on my neck

Chill mahone

I opened the front door,stepped inside and closed it quickly

I noticed my mom sitting with a coffee in her hands in the kitchen

She glared at me
I nodded my head and made my way upstairs.

I went to my room and placed her on my bed but she didn't let go of me

"Stay"she whispered
"Ok but i need to do know that i can't sleep in these"i whispered back pointing at my outfit

She finally let go of me and i went to my walk in closet and changed into only a basketball shorts.

I felt thirsty.i quickly went downstairs to drink some water.

"Hey mom"i whispered
"Boy where have you been all day?"she whispered angrily

I drank a whole glass of water

"Mom im freaking 24!you don't need to be worried about me anymore. You did your job pretty well by taking care of me"i placed my hand on her shoulder

She looked up at me.
My heart broke

"Oh god mom you know i hate to see you cry"i groaned

I don't like to see her cry at all.

"I know I'm getting old"she wiped her tears off and i sat next to her

"No mom you're not are the first woman in my gave me took care of me as a single mother.i really appreciate that and you'll always look super beautiful to me don't forget that"i said

She has tears in her eyes but this time she was smiling .it was like they were tears of joy

She kissed my forehead and i kissed her cheek

"Yeah whatever"she shrugged

"Oh btw...since i know what you have planned in your devilish mind...i wanna see my grandchildren soon"she ordered

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