Chapter 20

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Austin's p.o.v :

I grabbed some doritos and snacks form the jank foods aisle and made my way back to the shopping cart where becky is to be exact

Hold on a second
What the

As soon as i saw the man pointing the gun at her i hid behind the shopping shelves

I could feel my heartbeat

If anything happens to her i swear im dead

I quickly dialed AC's number and he answered in seconds

"AC we got a problem"i said as soon as i heard his breathing sound

"I know,im watching the scene"he told me

"Man,i swear if anything happens to her-"i was panicking

"Chill man she's gonna be ok,zach and Rob have their guns all ready.Don't worry man"he interrupted me trying to calm me down

Oh god,god plz take care of her

Goddammit why would i forget my gun😑

I looked at her way again and the guy thankfully left

I ran as fast as i could to her
"Becky?you ok?" I grabbed her face with my both hands

She looked shocked but she nodded anyways

"Becky"AC reached us
"Follow the guy"i told AC without breaking eye contact with Becky's eyes

This all my fault
She's hurt AGAIN

My knuckles turned into white on the cart's rods

Becky seemd to notice my anger

"I'm ok"she put her hand on mine

And surprisingly it calmed me down a little

"Let's get outta here"i helped her out of the cart and we both headed to my car

I opened the passenger's door for her,she hopped in and i closed the door still furious

Only god knows how furious and angry i am...

Becky's p.o.v :

I snapped out of my shocked feelings with the sound of the car's door closing firmly

He's beyond furious
If i don't do anything soon he'll do something stupid

He was griping so hard to the steering wheel

"Did he say anything to you?"he said while breathing loud enough so i can know he's at least trying to control his anger

"Just 'tell your lil bf he doesn't have so much time' "i told him without no hesitation

I have no idea what that means

What does he mean by he doesn't have so much time?
Time for what?
Does it have something to do with the gang he is in?
I thought they weren't that bad tho...

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