chapter 5

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Austin's p.o.v

what's going on??
i have no clue

as i was about to close my eyes and connect my lips to her

she quickly turned her face and kissed my cheeck


"thanks"she smiled devilishly and rushed to her doorway.she turned around and waved before going inside

if only i could go up to her bedroom...

nvm that's not a good idea.i hopped in my car

i can't stop smirking
what the hell is happening to me

i quickly took my phone out of my pocket and went through my messages

To Beck🍑🔥:
(if you get what i mean with those emojis)
You're gonna pay for that B😏

From Beck🍑🔥:
That'd be my pleasure superman😜

see what i mean??!
she's a complete tease

she's so lucky that she's not in front me right now

being a boy is hard.
believe me
i start the engine and pulled off

let's go back to the 'Get out of the damn Crew' plan

i should talk to F4
im sure they want the same thing as me

Becky's p.o.v

woah woah
what did i just do

i shouldn't have done that
i really wanted to kiss him but we just met and im not sure if he's feeling the same so

im so tired right now.i don't really wanna think about it
i put on my pajamas and went under my bed sheets

Dear Bed,

i really love're my one and only boyfriend.oh wait im cheating on you but don't worry we can still be besties

yours sincerely,


*Ding* i heard my phone

From SuperMan:) :
k then. Get ready for our next time meeting


To SuperMan:) :
Excuse me??Do i know you?!😁

From SuperMan:) :
You'll know me soon see ya

Holy Jesus
i really hope i don't see him again

let's go back to sleeping since its 12:30
thanks God that tomorrow im free

*next morning*
After having breakfast i checked my Calendar

it's gym's day

i took a quick shower and wore my Calvin Klein sport bra and pants
i tied my hair in a messy ponytail and put my Beats on

it's two blocks away from my house so i went on my foot

i entered the gym

as always
music's blasting
people are working out
some working on their abs and muscles
i looked around and went to the Treadmill part

i started running
i ran about 20 mins on the treadmill
and im so sweaty,for the rest of the hour,i worked on some butt and legs moves

I'm improving yay

i decided to go home because im hella hungry and im sure Mia has made a delicious lunch which is waiting for me

i can't wait

i put off my beats and headed to my locker to change

oh god.... i have to pass the Weights part to reach the lockers

i sighed
i made my way among boys doing cardios and lifting weights

i heard some of them whistle as I'm walking

i just rolled my eyes but i froze when i saw someone i didn't expect to see

the one and only...



he's lying on The Bench Press
Lifting Weights

with sweaty abs

his veins on his forhead popped up

i can't

i found myself staring so i mentally slapped myself and tried my hardest not be noticed by him

"Becky??is that you?" i heard Austin

just what i needed

i turned around smiling like an idiot

"Austin!" i acted like I'm surprised to see him

he sat up trying to catch his breath

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"well working on my body"i smiled and tried my hardest not to look at those toned abs

"yeah me too"he smiled
"oh wait this is technically that 'Next Meeting' i guess"he smirked

no no no just don't smirk cause i can't

i giggled
"u-h um i guess i have to go-"
i was intruppted by my phone


i quickly answered
"Hey on my way ok?I'll be there soon"i hung up

Mia you're a lifesaver
i love you Mia

"See? i gotta go"i simply said

"ok but im still not over the 'Next Meeting' thing and btw you look Hot"he said putting his shirt on

there it is
my tomato face is back yay

"thanks you too"i winked at him
"bye see ya"i quickly made my way to my locker and grabbed my bag and rushed out of the gym

this is too much to handle

but all i wanna think about now...
is the delicious lunch which is waiting for me mmm mmm yeah yeah


They're both denying the fact that they like each other, isn't it cute?

Hope you enjoyed


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