I look in the mirror and I look surprisingly good.
The flowers blend in perfectly with the navy shoes. I walk around looking for Cain. "Cain?"
I call. "Over here in my office." He yells back.

I walk to where he is in a huge spacious office almost as big as his bedroom and stand in the doorway to watch him work.

Today he's got on his black suit again. I'm not complaining he looks just as hot as he did this morning plus clothes.

"So are you gonna just stand there or you gonna come over here." Cain says not looking away from whatever it is he's busy with. I roll my eyes and plop onto a seat. "Okay lay it on me."

"We need more information about the Renatonan. " Cain says getting straight to the point. "What does that have to do with anything?" I ask boredly.

Cain ignores me and continues to talk. "Most of the targets are the Organisation Head's children." He says looking at me. "We can identify them by the obvious tattoo."

I gulp at the mention of the tattoo, sitting up straight. "How many know about this?" Cain shakes his head. "Only the 12 Heads."

I look at him. "So what now?" He sighs. "Firstly, we need to see what we can dig up on the Renatonan. Secondly, we have to attend next week's ball." I groan. "That means... " "Shopping." We say at the same time with differences in enthusiasm. Me in happiness and him complaining almost.

Cain looks at me. "You like shopping?" I take his keys walking to the door. "I'm not a stereotypical girl. Just because I kill people doesn't mean I can't like shopping."

Cain raises his hands surrendering. "Okay, okay Rain." I roll my eyes standing by the open door dangling his keys on my finger. "You coming or not?"

He calmly takes the key from me and I get in the elevator waiting for his slow ass to arrive. "Why so grumpy?" I smile and he rolls his eyes.

Cain doesn't answer and I grin. "I'm driving." "No you're not gonna fucking drive my car Raina!" He walks to his Lamborghini with long strides.

I smile as he takes us to a high end mall. Ugh. Have I mentioned that I hate formal functions and events? "The sooner we get this done the sooner I can go back to the apartment."

I look at Cain thoughtfully, noticing he never said home. Maybe I could use this trip to find out more about my current partner. "I'm tired." I announce and sit on the floor earning a bunch of weird glances from passersby.

"It's 11 in the fucking morning and you slept for more than 8 hours." Cain says with a twitch his jaw and I shrug. "You know what?" He says suddenly.

"I don't have time for this." He states picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder walking into the nearest shop which so happens to be a shoe store: Ralph and Russo's.

I let out a excited squeal and Cain puts me down watching me wearily as if was gonna do something stupid in here.

"Excuse me madam but only elitists are allowed in here." An old man says snottily at me and Cain groans.

I stand up straight and say in my elite voice. The one all rich people speak in. "Fetch me your manager. I would like to speak to him about the behaviour of his staff. Treating the daughter of the late William Chase like this?!"

The man gulps and slowly backs away from me. Suffice it to say the owner was extremely sorry about his employee and I enjoyed his stuttering. I bought 3 perfectly good pairs of heels.

"That was unnecessary Rain." Cain says amusement in his eyes. "Unnecessary but enjoyable." I reply and we walk to the next shop for him and he bought himself a tuxedo.

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