Chapter 10

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Camila's POV 

              "You and Austin get back together or we expose Lauren and her DAUGHTER."

              "Oh my god," I whisper sitting the phone down on the table next to me.

              "Camz, I – "she says before someone comes up to tap her on her shoulder.

              "Ms. Jauregui, I'm sorry about what happened. But your manager called and said you need to finish the show. She knows you're really stressed, so she said you can do a few songs and end it early. You need to go on if you want to finish though," the man with headphones on says.

              "I'm so sorry. Later," she says giving me a look of sympathy.

              She walks up the stairs to the stage and everyone starts screaming and clapping.

              "A girl named Sara had a seizure a few rows away from the front, so we had to take care of her. I want you all to know she's going to be just fine. But I do want you to find her twitter account and send it to me, because I want to do something special for her. I'm only going to do a few more songs, but I hope you enjoy. This one's called 'Change', so I want you to vibe out and listen," she says in her raspy voice before the soft music starts.

              I run a hand through my hair and sigh. We will talk about it later, I'm sure. It's hard to stay positive in these situations, but I know I have to until later. I decide to get Silver from Dinah, so I open the door to the dressing room. Silver's sitting on the couch and Dinah has her phone held up in the air, taking pictures with Sara.

              "Hey. We called her parents and they're on their way. I strongly requested that they take her to the ER to get checked out, because apparently this is the first time she's ever had a seizure. It could just be from the fall, but there's always a chance it could be something else," Lucy says quietly.

              "Thank you. I'm gonna take Silver out there so she can watch Lauren," I say picking the little girl up and taking her out to the backstage area. "Hey little soldier, Mommy's on stage," I whisper pointing to the stage.

              Lauren was singing softly and it was easy to hear, because the audience was dead silent. She sang the lyrics with so much passion, it made me breathless. While I was in recovery from what Austin did to me, she told me all of these stories about how she wrote all of her songs. They took such a short time to write, but the lyrics are so deep and meaningful. Every time she wrote one, she said that she made herself take a week off before writing another one. I look at Silver and there's tears streaming down her cheeks.

              "What's wrong, baby?" I whisper wiping her cheeks with my sleeve.

              "Mommy's voice is just so pretty," she whispers back with a thick sound of emotion.

              Even though Silver was unfortunate enough to even have a little bit of Austin Mahone's DNA. She is, however, fortunate enough to have Lauren's DNA. Her hair is dark brown, her eyes are light but powerful shade of green, and her voice is extremely raspy for her age. She's like a mini version of Lauren, it's quite adorable if you ask me. We stand there for two more songs before Lauren comes walking down the backstage stairs.

              "Look at my two girls together," she says taking her earplugs out and kissing Silver on the cheek. She looks at me and winks. "You should take her to the car, babe. Go wait for me, okay? I'll be there after I grab my things," she leans in kissing right next to my lips.

              "Alright. Let's go to the car, soldier," I say turning around and starting to walk towards the exit.

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