47 A: Greater Good

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On Friday you woke up alone in bed, it was your day off but Bruce sadly had to go to work all day for some important stuff that you honestly didn't listen about when he explained it to you.

You decided to take Max out for a nice peaceful walk first thing, so you put on your shoes and a coat not bothering to get out of your pyjamas and took Max out. You were walking Max for about two hours before you were extremely hungry. You made yourself a amazing breakfast deciding that you're allowed to treat yourself.

You spent most of the day relaxing without a worry in the world you felt everything was ready for tomorrow and you were excited to finally become Mrs Wayne. Mrs Wayne, Mrs Wayne, Y/N Wayne, Mr and Mrs Wayne, that has a nice ring to it you thought. The next half an hour you began picturing scenarios in your head: Like the band singer at your first dance saying "now let's welcome for the first time Mr and Mrs Wayne." Or something simpler like ending your articles with Y/N Wayne. You felt proud being a Wayne, being with Bruce maybe it was a bit of "Ha I'm BRUCE WAYNE'S WIFE!" Type of thing, you wanted to run it in everyone's faces you were so happy you were going to marry the man of your dreams.
When Bruce came home from work you two began getting ready for your dinner reservation at eight. You were in the shower when you heard Bruce shout something, you stopped the water to hear him better. "What?" You shouted.

"I said Honey where's my suit?"

"What?" You asked again wrapping a towel round yourself and walking out to see him looking everywhere with the batcave door wide open.

"Where is my suit?!" He sounded slightly frustrated.

"I put it away." You say leaning on the door frame .

"Where?" He asked.

"Why do you need to know?" You asked and he looked you dead in the eye and said "I need it!"

"Uh-uh, don't you think about running off Batsy." You say watching him frustrated looking through everywhere in the walk-in wardrobe. "We've been planning this dinner for two for ages and last time you did the same thing you ran away as Batman."

"The public is in danger!" He replied his voice a bot deeper than usual.

"My evenings in danger!" You replied walking back on the bathroom.

"Tell me where my suit is woman! We're talking about the greater good!" Bruce said more angrily and you walked into the bedroom to get your phone.

"Greater good? I am your soon to be wife! I am the greatest good you're ever gonna get." You said and Bruce rolled his eyes laughing. "Anyway I texted Clark, sups will deal with it." You day and Bruce sighed and replied "fine."

"Anyway get our hot ass into that sexy Hugo Boss suit so we can go eat!" You say slapping his ass and you saw him lock his lips.

"Okay okay I'm going but I would rather eat you than normal food."

"Kinky bastard." You said laughing.

Bruce. The Man Behind The Mask. Bruce Wayne/ Batman x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora