18:A Morning Text

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Y/N's PoV

On the way back we talked about random stuff, we got to the office building and there was an awkward moment of silence no more than two seconds then Bruce kissed me and said goodbye. I went back to my boring work, I already finished writing a story and Bruce started to text me.
Bruce: how's work?

Me: Boooorrrriiinnnngggg

Bruce: Lucch was great.

Me: lunch* and yes it was.

Bruce: Best hot dog I ever ate.

Me: only hot dog you've eaten.

Bruce: I think so. So was that like a second date?

Me: I guess.

Bruce: Can't wait for the third one ;)

Me: Why? Clark will interrupt XD

Bruce: Probably knowing him.

Me: Yep. My boss is coming over :o

Bruce: Act natural!

Me: I'll try, bye

Bruce: bye

Bruce's PoV
I was quite tired and decided I will go to sleep, I was seriously considering calling Alfred for him to come over and keep me company. I felt so lonely without Y/N. I decided to send her a good night text. Me: Goodnight baby, wish I could say it in person. Is that okay? Am I going too far? Does it sound creepy? I thought. I sent it without trying to even answer my own questions. I sat there staring at my phone screen thinking reply, reply, reply, she hasn't replied she hates me. After a few minutes she replied. Y/N: Sorry I didn't reply I was taking a shower, goodnight Brucie bear. I blushed at the fact she wrote Brucie bear, I found her so cute.

(Thanks @torozu for the nickname)


The next morning I woke up at 7am and saw a good morning text from Y/N. It made me smile and I replied immediately. I took a shower got dressed and went to the Batcave. Alfred was already there fixing something.

"Morning Alfred." I greeted him.

"You sound really happy is everything okay Bruce?" Alfred said semi-seriously.

"Yes everything's okay I'm happy and I like it that way." I said sitting down at my computer.

"Let me guess Y/N." Alfred said.

"Yes! She sent me a morning text. A morning text Alfred! I've never felt so much love through a text." I said spinning in my chair, I felt like an adopted orphan.

"You've gotten morning texts before." Alfred said.

"Yes, but they were never genuinely true and full of love. Her, her I know she means every word, she wants me to have a good day and I know she means it." I said.

"There's finally hope for the Wayne an,e to be passed down." Alfred said.

"I don't know about that." I said, we never even discussed if we ever wanted kids in future.

"So who knows about this relationship?" Alfred asked.

"No one its private. Except for you and I." I said.

"What about miss Y/L/N?" Alfred joked.

"Of course she knows." I said, looking closer at the files on my computer.

"What about Mr Kent?" Alfred asked.

"Um Clark, I think Clark knows." I said.

"So we don't need to keep it secret from him." Alfred said.

"No um, Alfred will the suit be ready for tonight?" I asked.

"Yes why?" Alfred asked.

"I need to go pay a visit to Lex Luthor." I said.

"Bruce won't it be easier to get this through being Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is better at getting information."

"But Bruce Wayne would attract a lot of attention when he brakes in." I said.

"But you don't have to break in, there's a party in three days time." Alfred said.

"And how do I get in?" I asked.

"Doesn't Y/N work for the press? She'll get you in."Alfred said.

"I don't want to use her." I said walking out the room. It was horrible how Alfred wanted to use Y/N...but it was a good idea.

Question of the chapter:

Any questions you want answering by me or anything you're not fully clear on?

Bruce. The Man Behind The Mask. Bruce Wayne/ Batman x reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin