32: Move

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Y/N's PoV
I was back home in metropolis after I finally found Max next to Bruce's house. I was sitting on my couch watching the news when three familiar people were show, my father, my dad and of course my boyfriend. "Meet my parents Bruce." I said towards the TV. "Oh you already have? You tried killing my father but it's okay because you were helping my dad fucking A." I carried on before realising how crazy I am talking to a TV.

The next day after work I git a text from Bruce asking if I want to come over however I was capable of incouraging him to come to mine. When he arrived we sat on my couch talking watching TV and more talking. I had my legs on Bruce's lap while laying across the couch and Bruce sat normally with one hand on my leg.

"I hate the fact that we live so far apart." I said.

"Same...You Could move in with me." Bruce suggested.

"I can't."


"I work in metropolis l, my friends are in metropolis-"

"Clark is one if your friends and he practically lives at mine."

"I've got Max."

"I thought he was your friends."

"He was but then she gave him to me forever, sorry I forgot to tell you."

"It's okay and Max can live at mine."

"But I have all this stuff." I said pointing around the room.

"Well now you're just making excuses."

"I'm not I just,...Don't know."

"What about, and you don't have to answer straight away, but what if, you kept this apartment but lived at mine and came here when you work late ect."

"Good idea but the cost of-"

"Please I'm rich."

"Bruce I can't make your pay-"

"Your not making me I want to, I want you with me, I'm sick of goodnight texts. I want to tell you goodnight. I want to wake up with you iny arms in my bed. With me." Bruce explained.

"Aw, I want the same thing."

"So What do you say?"

"Yes, I want to move in with you."

"I love you."

"I love you more Bruce." I said then we began watching a movie on the couch, I could see Bruce was slowly falling asleep so I decided to have some fun with him. I began to rub my leg over his crotch making him smile to himself without noticeing. The I felt a bulge forming under my foot which made Bruce open his eyes wide and grab the nearest pillow to throw on his crotch and cover his little friend.

"Bruce what happened?"  I joked.

"You bitch." He said in a joking manner.

"Love you too."

"Love you more."

A/N: Pokemon go is taking over my lofe.

Question of the chapter:
Have you played Pokemon go?

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