8: &?

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Y/N's PoV

I got home and felt for the first time in a while full of energy. I slept so well in Bruce's bed, and so long. I was actually pretty happy I had a day off but not so happy about not getting paid for a day. I didn't really have that much spending money, my wage covered the bills and the food shopping but left barley anything behind and missing a day of work definitely wouldn't help increase my income. If my money problems were too bad I could always ask my dad for money but I didn't like doing that, he was successful and surprisingly earned a lot.

I was just relaxing round the house, I cleaned a bit however my apartment was always clean because I practically only slept and ate there while the rest of my life I spent at work. I heard my phone vibrate and I walked to the kitchen counter where it was to check it.

Bruce: How do I get my shirt back?

I smiled to myself because I knew I will see him again.

Me: Magic.

Bruce: That's my favourite short :( Can I have it back?

Me:  yes

Bruce: How do I get it?

Me: Magic

Bruce: I just used the last of my magic to get you to stay the night and call in sick.

Me: you didn't need magic for that.

Bruce: really?
Finally he got the hint that I like him, I thought he was meant to be a playboy they've meant to be able to score all the time right? And Bruce already slept with me and in the same house as me, twice and he still hasn't got the hint that I like him.

Me: Your 3 questions are up, thank you for playing.

Bruce: I'll send Alfred over to get it okay?
I hesitated with my answer but said it anyway.

Me: how about you get it?
Me: you know cause it's YOUR shirt.

Bruce: I'm leaving now.

Is this really happening? Okay this is happening too fast. I wasn't sure what he looked like two or three days ago now I have a crush on him and I'm failing at flirting with him.


About twenty minutes later I heard a knock on the door. That was fast I thought to myself, I went to answer it and it was Lois.

"Lois?" I said in surprise.

"Wait let me check, yep Lois." She said.

"Come in. Um not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Checking how you feeling, in other words good excuse for leaving work when I know you are okay." She said sitting down.

"Clark?" I asked.

"Yep, he tells me all the gossip. And he told me you slept at someone's house and he caught you kissing." Lois said, she seemed really happy about this.

"Yes, we kissed. Now shoo I don't want to kick you out but I'm kicking you out." I said.

"Why?" Lois said she seemed offended.

"Someone's coming over." I simply said.

"Bruce?" She asked with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Yes Bruce, now please leave."

"When did he say he's coming?" Lois asked.

"I don't know he left his house about twenty minutes ago."

"Meaning he won't be here for like forty." Lois said.

"You can stay for half an hour." I said.

"Yay. Now tell me how did last night go?"

"Alright, we went to a nice restaurant where I did not fit in. Then went to his house watched Netflix till we fell asleep."

"That's it?" Lois asked on disappointment.

"Pretty much." I said.

"And where does the kissing come in?" Lois asked.

"Well, I'm not even sure how we got to it but we just started kissing but it got cut short by Clark."

"WHAT?" Lois said in surprise.

"Yeah for some reason he was there and he coughed and we stopped."

"I can't believe that. Clark had to ruin everything."  Lois said. After that we started talking, time ran away from us until we heard a knock on the door.

A/N: I apologise for not updating I was ill and didn't have the power and/ or will to write.

Question of the chapter:

Who do you think your father is?

My answer:

I know so k can't say. But o should probably say this is a character that you guys should know. (I hope at least)

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