21: Fight

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Dad: Jim Gordon. Farther: Joker
Y/N's PoV

I woke up to the sound of Bruce's voice however he wasn't in the bed anymore. Well that ruins lying in bed cuddling doesn't it I thought to myself.i got out of bed completely naked got some shorts and a T shirt to put on and went to the living room.

"Yeah goes by the Riddler...I don't know....what No!...why? Why look I'm not talking to Cat to get information....okay...Yeah so I need details on the Riddler and Penguin...yes...no...okay sure, oh Alfred I need to go." Bruce said when he noticed me.

"How's Alfred?"


"Was that the people you searched up last night?"


"Well you didn't need to search for information could of asked me." I said walking up to Bruce he wrapped his arms around me and I looked up.

"Oh really?" He said suspiciously.

"Yep. A penguin is a black and white flightless bird." We both laughed and stayed in each other's warms for about another thirty seconds. Then together we made breakfast and then of course ate it. After eating Bruce apologised about the fact he had to leave because people expect him to be Bruce Wayne the head of the company. He left and drove all the way to Gotham. Right after he left I felt the feeling of nausea and ran to the bathroom to puke my breakfast into the toilet. I guessed it was to do with the hangover I had from the previous night. I began typing up some things from last night, I took a day to do work from home because I knew I would be too tired to go to work early in the morning.

Halfway through writing I got a text from Jim even though on my phone he was saved as Dad. Dad: Have you seen what's happening in Gotham?

Me: No! :0

Dad: Watch the news ASAP

Me: okay x

I turned on the news and saw Gotham streets. I began to listen to the news reporter.

"And on your screens you can see the very dangerous situation between the Joker and the Batman as they fight down the street being chased by cop cars."

Fucksake I thought, my father and boyfriend fighting again. I thought the meet my dad would be hard with Jim but I mean its worse with my father, my boyfriend is trying to kill him and he's trying to kill my boyfriend. I carried on writing until I got a text from Jennifer who I didn't practically talk to since the party.

Jen: Hey.

Me: Hi.

Jen: How you doing?

Me: Okay just feel sick.

Jen: Poor you :( Are you ill?

Me: I think it's just a hangover

Jen: or morning sickness xp

Me: Why would you say that

Jen: You've been drinking, you've been banging XD

Me: Logic

I started thinking what if it was morning sickness, we forgot to use protection last night. What if?

Question of the chapter:
How are you feeling today?

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