49 A: We're Ready

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When you made t to the venue everything was a rush. Friends and relatives were everywhere, everyone trying to get yours and Bruce's attention you went to your room to get ready and everything was a rush.

You were so overwhelmed with the whole thing the photographer was there taking pictures. Your mum walked in, your dad walked in, the brides maids were there everything that was hall was stressing you out.

You were longing to sit down for the whole time but then you would crease the dress so it wasn't an option. Sadly. Then nearly the worst thing ever happened ...

A wet, muddy, filthy Max ran into your room making a target out of your dress, yes he ran straight for it you knew this was the end. You're beautiful silky white as snow dress would now be destroyed. Max was now close to you, you could do nothing and then ... Alfred shouted "Max" and whistled and Max stopped turned around and went back to Alfred your near death (of dress) experience was over it survived. You felt so relieved. From that moment everything felt better, they time went smoother and you were ready for the ceremony...

Bruce. The Man Behind The Mask. Bruce Wayne/ Batman x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora