11: Batman

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Y/N's PoV

Batman was starting straight at me and I was starting straight at him.

"Are you ok?" His deep voice said.

"Um yeah." I said.

"Come with me." He said and I followed him. We got out the room and there was no one there except the dead body of one of the henchmen I saw before.

"Where's the Joker?" I asked, even though he was a terrible father and only talked to me for his own benefit a part of me loved him.

"He escaped, but don't worry you'll be safe." Batman said.

"I'm not worried." I said genuinely, most of the people who work for my dad know me and have seen me around. Batman sneaked us out and we got in the Batmobile.

"Where to?" He asked and I gave him my address. He dropped me off and before I got out the car I looked deep into his dark brown eyes, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. First through the mask he looked happy and then as of through realisation his face dropped, something was wrong but I didn't know what.

"Thanks for saving me back there Bats." I said getting out the car.


I was making myself some hot chocolate when my phone vibrated, I immediately checked it and it was Bruce his name made me smile. Bruce: Can we meet up? I looked at the time 22:48 By the time Brice would get to mine from Gotham I would probably be asleep after a long day like that. Me: Isn't it 2 late, i mean by the time u get here?? I didn't have to wait long for a reply, it was like he was sitting with his phone in his hand waiting for my reply. Bruce: I'm in Metropolis anyway, because of work." Me: then come over if you want. I said really wanting to sit down drink my hot chocolate and go to sleep. Bruce: I'll be there soon. About ten minutes later I heard a knock on the door, when I opened it, it was Bruce I wanted to give him a kiss or a hug but he dogged me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need to talk." He said quite sternly. I closed the door behind him and we walked and sat on the couch.

"Okay then Bats." I said.

"Bats?" He said in surprise.

A/N: Guys I just went for the fifth time to the cinema to watch Batman v Superman I have a serious problem. I'd like to ask again please don't comment things like "update." I appreciate the fact you want to read more and that flatters me because it means you love the story, but it gets a bit annoying and spams my notifications.

Question of the chapter:

If you had to choose one of the members of the Justice League below to protect you while the others would attempt to kill you who would you choose?

My answer:

I'm not quite sure because I think Superman would be a smart choice seeing that he has superpowers and  could so hide in the Fortress of Solitude. But then there's Batman with all the gadgets that could help protect me and the Batcave. In other words a tie between Batman and Superman.

Bruce. The Man Behind The Mask. Bruce Wayne/ Batman x reader Where stories live. Discover now