35: Shopping

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Y/N's PoV
When I finished work and drove straight to my new-ish home. I just went in and saw Max immediately who jumped on to me with happiness. I was playing with hm on the floor when Alfred walked in out of nowhere.

"Hey Alfie." I greeted him.

"Hello miss-" He said and stopped when I gave him a look. "I mean Y/N."

"Are you going out?" I asked because he was wearing a coat.

"Um Yes Bruce asked me to buy some groceries for dinner."

"I can do that to save you the trouble."

"I can do it, it's my job."

"I know but, I need to walk Max and I've been stuck in a office all day fresh air will do me some good."

"If you say so miss F/N. Here's the list of things Bruce asked for."

"Okay, I shall get them."


"No problem."

I drove to the shops area of Gotham and parked my car near the shop. I walked into the shop with Max hoping no one will notice, I quickly got all the food and drink from the list and went to the checkout. After buying everything o was walking to the car when I saw a familiar face.

"Hey Mom." I said to Lee who was walking past.

"Hey honey what you doing here?"

"Shopping you."

"Same, but dear you live in Metropolis."

"Not anymore."


"I just moved here."

"And you didn't call?"

"I didn't want dad to know he would flip that I'm not in metropolis."

"True, anyway honey how's work?"

"Good, but good."

"That's good."


"So why did you move here."

"This will sound petty and stupid but because of a guy."

"Oh honey. How long have you two been a thing?"


"How com you haven't mentioned anything?"

"We aren't really going public with it."

"At least what's his name?"


Bruce? "

"Bruce Wayne." I whispered.

"Oh my God.  He's a- wow.  And he looks incredible. But wait he's like 40."

"Why does that matter he's the nicest guy I've ever met."

"I'm happy if you are. And who's this pup?"

"That's Max."

"He's so cute, you should show him to dad he'd love him."

"Probably, oh dad asked me to talk with you about a day I can come over."

"Okay just ring me and we can talk then."

"Sure, anyway mom I need to go cause Max is getting fidget."

"Okay bye honey."


Questions if the chapter:
How many chapters do you think will be too much for this book?

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