Chapter 10

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Author's note

still no cover. Sorry!

Where can I make one?



Niall is driving.

Those three little words that had the power to incite so much terror into our hearts.

That’s what Liam told us (reluctantly) right before we left our hotel in the morning. I have no idea what demon possessed him and told him that letting our Nialler drive was a good idea, but it needed to get the fuck out.

Liam was in the front seat literally having a spaz attack, holding onto the seat as the car weaved in and out of traffic lanes and blew an occasional stop light.

Niall found the whole situation absolutely hilarious, so every time he glanced over to Liam he cracked up which resulted in the car swerving and other drivers honking their horns at us.

Zayn was totally oblivious to the rest of the world, as he was passed out in the middle seat. The poor guy could barely keep liquids down and on top of it he had to ride in a car for god knows how long. At least he was out of the way of Niall’s horror of driving skills. If we died, he’d never know what happened.

Harry was listening to music on his iPod, on the verge of sleep from what it looked like. I was playing Fruit Ninja and was whooping some serious banana ass.

Then a voice broke the maniacal laughter in the driver’s seat. “We should be there soon!”

Liam whimpered at the thought (yes he literally whimpered like a scared child) and held on tighter to his seat belt.

Zayn heard Liam’s cries and roused, opening his eyes and looking around. “Where are we?”

Niall shrugged causing the wheel to jerk. “I’m just following Sally.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Umm Niall? Who the fuck is Sally?” I thought to myself, My god this boy has lost his mind.

“It’s the GPS!” He shouted happily, accidentally hitting the horn with his enthusiasm.

Zayn simply rolled his eyes and laid back down.

Liam’s terrified voice came from the front. “Niall. Let’s stop at a gas station, okay? Please?!” He begged.

I looked out the window opposite to me and saw Harry, awake and looking at me. I smiled at him.

He looked down at his pillow and blushed.

He blushed.. I thought we were through with the embarrassment stage?

I waited outside the rest stop bathroom, where I had seen Harry enter about one minute prior. I felt somewhat stalker-ish, but I just had to make sure we were okay. His embarrassment earlier was completely out of nowhere and if something was bothering him I wanted to know so I could reassure him.

The door opened and Harry walked out. He didn’t see me at first and when he did he jumped a bit, startled, I presumed.

“Is everything okay?” I asked quietly.

He wiped his wet hands on his pants. “Yes.”

“Okay.” I nodded. “You just seemed a bit flushed in the car, before.”

Harry looked towards the ground and blushed. “I wasn’t flushed.” His slow drawl was especially drained. He almost sounded, sad.

I raised and an eyebrow and walked towards him to give him a hug. “Are you okay?”

Harry saw my advance and backed, away from me.

Well that hurt.

“I just need to think about some stuff.” He said before walking around me and back out to the parking lot.

I stood there, wondering what he could possibly need to think about. They’d already admitted their feelings to each other and came to terms with them. Was he having second thoughts? Maybe he changed his mind. Those doubtful thoughts made my head swarm and I felt my own bad mood taking over me. I sighed and sauntered back out to the car.


Harry’s POV

I honestly felt bad for dissing Louis. In a way he wasn’t so wrong when he said I was flushed in the car, but it was more frustration than embarrassment. We’ve both accepted our feelings for each other as strange attraction, but what if it’s more? What if it’s more than just a phase that we’ll both outgrow? I’d have to live my whole life hiding the fact that I’m gay from the public and our fans. Management was already on our asses about being so affectionate and they had no idea exactly how affectionate we both wanted to be. They’d cut it the second they found out. I wasn’t ready to lose him that easily. Not when I’d just got him.

I turned around slightly and saw Louis following me back to the car, but there wasn’t a look of determination on his face like there usually was when he wanted to find something out. He just looked to the ground, dejected and kind of pathetic.

I got into the car and listened as I heard Louis do the same and sit in his own seat.

I risked a glance over and saw that Louis had his head down staring at his lap. I know he probably didn’t mean to do it, but his bottom lip was slightly poked out. It was a mixture of adorable and heart wrenching.

I groaned in frustration (under my breath) and ran a hand thru my curls. I want to save us both from a life of hiding and repressed affection, but Louis was making it so difficult. I knew if I told him what I was thinking he’d understand, but I also knew he’d never be able to stay away from me if he didn’t think I was upset.

I shook my head at my Edward Cullen logic and closed my eyes briefly.

I looked up when I heard a shuffle next to me. Louis was adjusting his pillow to sit up against the window and he laid his head down. He stared out the window blankly.

It was very strange for Louis not to argue or tickle the truth out of me when I was upset, so his actions, or lack there of, were worrying me. He’d usually pester me and everyone else within a two miles radius until they either begged me to tell him or I cracked and made him happy. Now he just seemed so… Pitiful.

I truly hoped I hadn’t hurt him.

Liam opened the drivers side door and got in with a relieved sigh and I heard the passenger door open as well. Niall climbed in with a pout and sat there with his arms crossed childishly.

Zayn came back to the car and stood in the open door. He looked at everyone, and leaned his head against the top of the car.

“What are you doing?” Liam asked curiously, patience coating his voice.

“Trying to get un-nauseous.” Zayn breathed through tight lips.

Liam nodded but then asked, “What’s that?”

Zayn didn’t answer. He just closed his eyes and leaned further on the car.

“Are you okay?” Niall’s timid voice asked.

Zayn nodded slowly and breathed out through his mouth.

“I wonder what’s wrong with him.” Liam’s frustrated voice said.

At that point, Zayn opened his eyes and got back into the car. He lifted up his legs and brought his knees to his chest. He laid his head down on his knees and breathed in and out slowly.

“Are you okay now?” Liam asked worriedly.

I half stood up and slammed the door.

Zayn shrugged. “I guess so.”

“Maybe you’re pregnant. Have you been using protection?” I joked.

Zayn cracked a smile and chuckled softly.

Niall’s laughter was ear piercing.

Liam smirked, his upper lip twitching.

And Louis…

Louis didn’t say or do anything. It was worse than I thought.

Same Mistakes (Larry Stylinson Slash, boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin