Chapter 6

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THANK YOU for your votes and comments :):)

everytime I log on and see a new vote or comment I do a silly Irish jigg and my family thinks I'm retarded..

Maybe I am **Shrugs** but thank you nonetheless :)

SO here's chapter 6, alot more is being explored and like I said before, I love writing Harry's POV.

Next chapter is pretty awesome, I'll admit.

SOOOOOOO whenever you're ready for it, let me know ;) LOL jk..



I thumped myself in the head as hard as I could without leaving a bruise. Stupid, stupid, stupid I kept repeating to myself. Harry probably thought I was mad at him. I was shocked at how immensely stupid I could be. Instead of just talking to him, explaining my feelings, or even lying about them, I rejected him. That was exactly what I was trying not to do. Hurt him.

I face-planted into my pillow and screamed into it. It came out like a muffled elephant rape.

Some solutions passed thru my mind. Maybe if I told him, he’d understand. I groaned at how unlikely that’d be. He’d think I was gross and creepy. He’d totally hate me, I thought.

But he had to have noticed my feelings by now. I’d been so painfully obvious. And rejecting him just added to it. He knows I’d never do that, so he has to know something’s up. If he didn’t know by know, I’d have to question his mental sanity.

Then there’s always the probability that he’s pissed because of my rude behavior. That would be a whole different story. Getting Harry mad is like taunting a mime.

They don’t say anything, but they murder you with their eyes.

Telling him how I felt would take a load off of my chest, but first I had to figure out exactly what I felt in the first place…

I feel attracted to him, physically. But I also crave his company and his attention. What does that even mean?! I’m infatuated with him, but it’s more. Much more.

I felt my head start to pulse with irritation, so I turned over and got comfortable atop the blankets. Worrying about it all would only stress me out more. I decided to take a nap.


Harry’s POV

I watched Niall play black jack and Liam supervise him. He’d already won twice, but he refused to stop. Liam was like a guiding hand, ready to jump in if ever Niall went too far and got obsessed.

If you asked me, he already was.

Niall’s always been easily drawn into bad habits. Once he starts it’s hard to get him to stop. But Liam just watched him, a loving tolerance in his eyes.

Larry Stylinson may be popular in the camera’s eye, but Niam was much more deep and real. They didn’t cuddle up and hug like Louis and I always did, but they were both always there for each other. Liam always made sure Niall was okay, and Niall always made sure Liam was entertained. It was a sweet sight to see.

I sighed in frustration. I wondered what Louis was doing at the moment. It’s been a few hours since he’d locked himself in his room. He should’ve been down here by now. Normally, he’d at least come down to see what I was doing. Not just out of curiosity, but because he cared for me. As I cared for him.

But I was starting to think that maybe, that wasn’t enough for me anymore. Just the fact that I’m shocked he hasn’t come to check on me shows that I’ve gotten too comfortable in our friendship. I’ve been taking it for granted. Something I had no right to do, because for all I knew, tomorrow he could find out my feelings and want nothing to do with me.

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