Chapter 4

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authors notezzzz

OMG thank you for your feedback. alot.

SSooOO the next chapter will have Harry's POV. I like his POV alot cuz it's much more....hmm.. Sure of himself? idk how to explain lol. Oh well. Just read to find out what I mean lol


Riding in a car for 48 hours with Harry was one thing, but sharing a room with him was a whole other level of awkward. But only awkward for me… Harry didn’t notice my discomfort.

I laid on the bed and flipped through the TV channels vaguely. I wasn’t really interested in watching anything, I just wanted to get my mind off of my confusing new emotions. Harry thankfully was in the bathroom taking a shower, so I had at least a little time to myself to relax. I rolled my neck around and heard a few pops. This stuff’s really stressing me out.

All of a sudden the bathroom door opened and Harry walked out in a towel. Relaxation down the drain.

“Have you seen my lotion?” He asked me. I was too distracted to answer. His hair was dripping wet, and the droplets were slowly trailing down his bare chest.

“Louis?” He snapped me out of my trance.

“Oh. Uhh, no. Sorry.” I mumbled and trained my eyes back to the TV screen.

I heard Harry walk back into the bathroom.

Well that was convincing Louis

, I thought to myself. I mentally scolded myself for my distress. I was sure he’d see right thru me now. He’d know that I was having feelings for him.

I rolled my eyes and continued to mentally abuse myself as I got up and searched thru his bags for his lotion. Of course I knew where his lotion was. He always kept it in the left outside pocket of his suitcase. And he always forgot where he’d put it.

I pulled it out and walked over to the bathroom. Not hesitating to knock, I opened the door with the lotion in hand.

“Harry here it-” I stopped short and almost fainted.

Harry was standing in front of the sink, butt ass naked.

It wouldn’t have been so bad if..

He wasn’t rock hard..

Oh my sweet Moses’ baby mama..

I set the lotion on the sink evenly, avoiding eye contact and dick-eye contact. I backed out and shut the door behind me.

I stood there for a moment, just taking in the shock and the sudden and unnerving arousal I was feeling.

I heard Harry laugh a few seconds after I’d shut the door. “Not like you haven’t seen any of that before, Lou.”

I grasped at words that I wanted to say but didn’t know how to. I wanted to say, “Yeah you’re right, I’ve seen it before. But that was when I was completely secure in my masculinity and had no doubts as to whether or not you turned me on. Now I’m just getting horny.”

Of course I didn’t say that, I instead replied with a small, forced chuckle, “Ha. Yeah.”

I moved from my position outside the bathroom and went out into the hallway. I had to go think about all of this. I had to sort it out in private, without Harry influencing my feelings and moods.

I walked towards the lift and was about to hit the down button when I saw the staircase door. I walked over and went inside, seeing a few steps leading up to more. I took a seat and put my head in my hands, desperately trying to clear my head.

In the stairwell, I thought about all the things Harry’s done that’s made me feel… Attracted to him… And all the things he does.

His gentle, comforting hugs.

His soft fingertips tracing my skin.

The way it feels when his fingers entwine with mine.

All of these things I don’t think I could live without. But they’ve become more than just friendly gestures to me. I couldn’t deal with feeling more when he touches me, when all he’s feeling is friendship.

I tried to remember the first time I’ve ever been turned on by Harry before..

Niall and I kicked around the soccer ball, intermittently throwing in curses or shouts. He’d been getting better, I had to admit.

I glanced over and saw Harry and Liam burying Zayn in the sand. A laugh rose up from my chest at the terrified expression on his face as the sand got closer and closer to his chin. Harry’s grin could have been seen from space as Zayn squirmed and whined at them to let him out.

I was suddenly dropping to the ground clutching my stomach as the ball bashed into me. The wind was knocked out of me.

I heard Niall’s signature cackled above me and I groaned in pain. “That’s what you get for spacing out when Horan has the ball!” He taunted, doing a wiggly victory dance.

I rolled my eyes and finally got a good intake of breath.

Niall ran off and a new shadow replaced him.

“You okay, Lou?” Harry’s concerned voice asked.

I smiled up at him. “Peachy.”

Harry sat down next to me and helped me into a sitting position. He put his hand on my back and rubbed it up and down. It was very relaxing.

I turned to him and smiled. I then pretended to be in immense pain and I over dramatically fell over, into his arms.

He fell back and chuckled as I clamored onto his chest. I sighed and just rested there.

Liam had come over and began playing with Niall and I heard Zayn still screaming something about being stuck and tides coming in. I ignored it though.

Harry’s hands came around to my sides and he gently rubbed them a few times before lifting me up off of him and standing. It felt very good, it sent tingles down my body.

He held a hand out to me and helped me up.

Harry spotted Zayn still buried, water rushing up around him and jogged over to un-dig him. I stretched myself, popping a few bones and noticed that my, ermm, mini-me was slightly growing. I thought to myself how odd it was but shook it off.

I walked over to help Harry save Zayn from drowning.

Remembering it all brought a sloppy smile to my face. It surprised me to think that that had been a little over a year ago.. I’ve been feeling this for a year, and I didn’t even realize it.

I crept back into the room, walking carefully so I didn’t disturb Harry who was presumably passed out in his bed. It was so dark that I almost tripped over my suitcase, but I caught myself at the last minute and made it to my bed. I stripped off my pants, my shirt and my socks and climbed into bed.

I snuggled into the covers and suddenly felt something warm on my back. I freaked out and turned around, seeing that it was Harry.

This was his bed.

I quietly face palmed and went to get up. Before I could, though, his arm reached out and grabbed me around the waist. He pulled me closer towards him and snuggled his face into the back of my neck. I almost had a heart attack.

I tried to squirm my way out of his embrace, but he didn’t budge. I put my hands down to his own that were wrapped around my waist and tried to pry them off of me.

He inhaled and made a grunting noise. He snuggled further into my neck and I felt his lips brush against me. Goose bumps went up my arms and for a minute, I let myself relax.

A minute turned into two, and soon I was quite comfortable. His arms and chest were warm and comforting, and rather than feeling it as a sexual gesture, it just felt… I felt like I was safe.

No matter what I was feeling ten minutes earlier, or what I’ve been stressing over for the past week, it wasn’t important as long as I was in his arms. And so I fell asleep.

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