Chapter 3

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author's note

sorry for the boring chapter, I'll try my hardest to put up chapter 4 asap. It's much more interesting ;)

I was thinking about making a cover for this story, but I'm just not that creative, so sorry lol.

Also, please forgive any errors you see. I'm not the best writer, that's my sister's forte. I'm the bum of the family lol :(




After only two hours of driving Niall, Zayn and Harry were passed out in their seats and lightly snoring. Liam was driving (quite well, might I add) and had the radio off so that the other boys could get their beauty rest.

I sat with my pillow propped against the window with ear buds in my ears listening to Coldplay. I was about to let the soothing melody lull me to sleep when we hit a bump in the road and I saw Harry stir from the corner of my eye. Instinctively, I reached a hand over and cupped his face, encouraging him to go back to sleep.

His lips trembled for a moment and then his body relaxed once again. I found it hard to keep my eyes off of the stunningly beautiful boy before me. His curly hair was strung every which way across his head, his eyelids were constantly moving from the vivid dream he was having, his soft lips were opening and closing, like he was saying something in his dreamland. I let my hand linger on his cheek for a few more unnecessary moments and then took it away.

I wondered when I started to feel so strongly for Harry. It couldn’t have just happened over night. I’ve never been attracted to men, so this feeling was definitely something abnormal for me. There must’ve been a point in our friendship when I realized I felt something more..

Thinking about that…

Louis! Come out come out where ever you are!” Harry called to me from somewhere outside the tiny closet in which I was hiding. I suppressed a giggled as I heard him fumbling around, nowhere near me.

I heard a few footsteps, then nothing. He must’ve-

“AHH!” Harry jumped out of NOWHERE and pounced on me, squishing me against some shoes and the back of the closet wall.

“AHHHH!” I screamed a little late as I grabbed a hold of him and held on tightly. My laughter filled the small, dark space.

Harry sounded out of breath. He’s out of shape, I thought. “I love playing hide and seek boo, but I don’t like not knowing where you are.” He breathed into my neck as his hug tightened.

I smiled mischievously and cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

I felt Harry shrug and his arms tightened their grip, even though I didn’t know it was possible. His nose nuzzled against my ear and I smiled happily at how comforting it was.

I sighed in contentment.

Suddenly, Harry pulled away slightly and put his face close in front of mine. I could feel his warm breath hitting my lips and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

We sat like that for a while, examining each others eyes. His green spheres pierced into mine and seemed to see right through me.

Then, Harry looked away and smirked. “I feel like cooking tonight.”

I matched his smile and released his embrace, letting him go off towards the kitchen.

I watched him walk away and found something inside bothering me. When he pulled away I felt…


“HELLO?! EARTH TO LOUIS?!” Liam shouted over my thoughts and brought me out of my reminiscence.

“Ohh, uh. Sorry Li. What?” I asked, fumbling for the answer to the question that I didn’t hear.

He sighed. “I said do you need to stop? There’s a rest stop coming up.”

I stretched my arms and felt a twinge of pain in my back. I flexed my neck and answered, “Yes please.”

I got out of the car and stretched my legs. I was almost pushed over by Niall who plowed out of the car and straight into me. I stumbled forward and was caught by a strong arm. I turned around to see Harry sitting on the edge of the open door smirking at Niall, who was skipping off to the bathrooms.

I straightened myself out. “Thanks.”

He just smiled at me and leaned his head against the seat, obviously still sleepy.

Liam still stood outside the car, flicking through his mobile without paying us any attention.

“So how long is the drive?” I asked him.

He answered without turning away from the lit up screen. “48 hours.”

I felt like a bug got stuck in my throat. “48 hours?! WHAT?!”

I probably looked like an idiot to all the other travelers, stomping around, ranting and raving, but I didn’t care a bit! 48 hours is a long ass time to be driving in a car! If I had known that it would be so long I would have opted for a plane ride!

I heard Harry’s chuckle behind me and I turned around to shoot him a death glare.

Liam rolled his eyes and laughed. “We’ll stay in a hotel like, every night Louis. You’ll be fine.” He returned his attention back to the screen.

But still!

48 hours!


Just then, Niall and Zayn came walking up to the car. Niall, being his usually starving self asked, “Where are we gonna eat, Liam?”

Liam looked up briefly at us all, blinking. “I don’t know. I’m not the trip coordinator.”

Harry’s raspy morning voice spoke from the side of the car. “McDonald’s?”

Zayn took a seat on the edge of the door next to Harry and laid his head on his shoulder. “I just want to go back to sleep.” He said indifferently.

Harry patted his leg and I felt a jab of something unknown go thru me.

Niall laughed. “We can get drive thru then.” He hopped back into the car, over Harry and Zayn’s head. Liam went around to the driver’s side and I just stood there, waiting for Zayn to move out of the way.

I silently added, And Harry, to my inner rant and watched as Zayn lazily got up and plopped into the front seat. Harry stood and smiled at me before he climbed into his seat.

As I got into the car, a word to describe my feelings flashed thru my mind and I could hardly believe it.



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