4 2 : s e c r e t s · a n d · t a l e s

30 2 1


I watched, expressionless, as the Fall Realm King hugged his daughter, and as Hades looked on with a conflicting expression. At last, the King released her, and he shakily demanded, "Where is your mother? Your sister?" 

Evelyn took her time with her answer, "Mother passed away and Amber's visiting the Spring Realm." She mumbled softly, but there was no mistaking the King's expression shifting from hopeful to anger, "Who," he snarled. 

"She killed herself," The princess lied without missing a beat, willing to protect the murderer to the grave. Why?

"LIAR!" King Shade boomed, his voice bouncing off the walls. Hades frowned, but was still silent. 

To my surprise, Evelyn didn't flinch, "She's dead. Does it really matter?" 

"She's your mother, of course it matters." Hades replied flatly, his eyes hardening a fraction. 

There was something close to sorrow in her voice when Evelyn softly muttered, "She died long before her body gave up."

Hades narrowed his eyes at her, "Explain," he snapped, without a shred of kindness. Maybe it was a mistake to come here. 

"No," Evelyn replied softly, shifting slightly on her feet. She was ready to flee if needed, I realized. Keeping my magic on edge, I discreetly moved closer to her, ready to Jump us out if needed. 

The King was now furious, shaking with rage, "You tell me right now, Avelyn, or I'll-" 

"Drop it," Hades softly ordered, his eyes piercing Evelyn's. She frowned, and her features rippled. A glamour, I realized. How had I not realized that?

Her eyes turned purple, and her cheekbones were made sharp, and a myriad of other things changed, until a similar girl appeared in front of me. Evelyn, or Avelyn rather, was even more beautiful than before. 

The King gripped his throne armrest so hard dents began forming on the solid gold armrest. "Please," his voice cracked, "tell me." 

Evelyn shifted her gaze downward, "I won't." 

"Then what," King Shade bit out, "are you doing here."

"Father, I-"

"Don't you call me that. Not until you tell me the truth," he snapped. Even Hades winced slightly as Evelyn's expression crumbled for just a moment. 

"Perhaps it was a mistake coming here," I suggested quietly, reaching for Evelyn's hand. 

"Perhaps." She grasped my hand tightly. 

King Shade and Hades seemed to catch on what we were going to do, and the King boomed, "STOP THEM-"

I Jumped us away before we could face his fury. 


"What the hell was that?" I demanded as we stood in my bedroom in Asyrien.

Evelyn's legs seemed to give up as she collapsed on my bed, "That was my family hating me." A hint of self loathing was buried deep in the words. I sat down next to her, "Look, your secrets are protecting anyone. Cut the bullcrap and tell me what is going on right now." 

"Or what? You'll throw me out in the streets? Torture me? Try me." There wasn't a hint of challenge or anger in that line, just exhaustion and defeat. I was willing to bet that if I pushed her off a balcony, she wouldn't even try to fight back. 

I let out a bitter laugh, "I see how this is. You think you have nothing to live for anymore, don't you?" 

She lifted her blank eyes to meet mine, "Do I?" 

"Well why not tell them who killed your mo-"

"It was Amber," she whispered, a voice so quiet that it was barely inaudible. "If I had told them... she would be hunted. Casted out by her estranged family. And all that rage... does it look like I want the damn apocalypse to be tomorrow?"

"Oh." Perhaps Evelyn was in the right. Perhaps the world was better off not knowing her secrets. "May I ask why?"

Evelyn gave a half-hearted shrug, "Mother was wasting away. Men, alcohol... I suppose Amber thought she was doing Mother a favor. Then Amber landed us in deeper shit after she verbally assaulted the Crown Prince of Summer and I guess she wanted to... make herself seem like she was doing something." 

I gently touched her hand, "Is that all you want to tell me for now?" She nodded, her focus far away. 

"Well, I'll let be alone with your own thoughts. I'll come back in a few ho-" She grasped my hand tightly, "Don't go. Please." 

I hesitate, but nodded and layed down next to her."Tell me a story," she said dreamily, "a nice one."  I thought for awhile, raking my memories for tales I had heard as a child. Finally, an appropriate one came to mind. I cleared my throat and began. 

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a young girl who never wanted to be a girl. But she was coming of age, and her parents wanted to marry her off, despite her pleas to let her remain free. One day, border conflicts led to a war between her country and a fearsome, ruthless empire in the North, and the war drafts begin." 

"Hm," Evelyn mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut. 

"Her older brother was drafted, who was injured by a lighting strike years ago, and as a result, it hurt to lift anything heavy, or even run for long distances. But he had no choice- the family was too poor to pay off the draft and the father was too old and weak to volunteer in his place. So, that night, the girl chopped off her beautiful locks, bounded her chest with tape until she looked like a man." 

I used my magic then, to drag a blanket over Evelyn before I continued. 

"She went off to the war camps before dawn broke and was constantly picked on by the other soldiers for being too short, too weak, too feminine, without knowing her true identity. However, the brave girl endured it, and eventually surpassed all others. Through her bravery and wits, she manages to help win a key battle, but is severely wounded in the process. She is forced to seek out medical treatment, and the solders shock, they find out she's a girl and after healing her, they leave her alone in the mountains." 

"Oh?" The princess murmured, turning her body to face towards me. 

"It is then she sees that the enemy is still alive, and she races back to the general and his army to warn them. They do not believe her because they believe that this is her revenge, until the enemy attacks the village. However, the girl has a plan, and they eventually defeat the enemy, and the army hails to the girl heroine. And they lived happily ever-" 

"What's her name?" Evelyn interrupted. 

I was quiet for a moment, "Hua Mulan." 

It was then I saw a sad smile spread across her face. She mumbled, "I miss Mulan," before she truly fell asleep. 

I kissed her forehead, and left the room, closing the door gently behind me to not wake the princess, and walked to my office. 

As I opened the door, I saw Hades sitting in my seat, "We have things to discuss," and with a wave of his hand, the door clicked shut. 

a/n: writter's block hitting me hard- I've run out of chapters. Time to start writing again

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