2 9 : h o p e s · a n d · d r e a m s

29 4 0


I woke up, panting. After the dream spell I had cast to tell Ella... about Jem, I had the strangest dream. I had dreamt of Amber and her best friend, Princess Auora of the Spring Realm. 

But was there really such things as consequences in this strange world of magic? 

My brain worked frantically to piece together the pieces- if my dream was true, and Amber had acquired mirror dust from Maleficent... who would be the victim? 

Could it be Ella? No, I had to see to it that she did not trap Ella in a mirror. No one deserved to waste away in a mirror. No one. 

I needed to leave Omia. This port city held too many heartbreaks. I exited the inn with a purpose, and as I rode a stolen stallion out of Omia's gate, I looked back only once, with unshed tears shimmering in my eyes, whispering, "Best friends forever, Jem, I promise." 

Then, I rode into the desert, sparing not another glance back at the bright city that filled me with so much sadness. 


I had ridden in the direction of Luminous- where Ella was. But I couldn't risk a visit, when bounty hunters roamed the streets for me and Amber. 

So, when the bright capital loomed in the distance, I veered away and continued on North, and I found myself back int the desert. Dread began to set in as my stallion had trouble trotting through the sand. The horse slowed from galloping, to cantering, and then, jogging. 

It would take forever to get out of the desert, and I did not have time for that. The sun began to descend and I guessed we were still in Bressya territory, nearing the city of Resmia. I wouldn't be able to catch Amber in time. 

But there had to be another way. What would Amber do? What would Paris do?

 And then, it hit me. Jumping. I could Jump my stallion and I away from this desert. But despite being training to wield my raw magic since I was born in the Fall Court, no had ever taught me how to Jump. 

Desperately, I racked my brain to remember Paris's words when he vaguely mentioned Jumping, as my stallion staggered around the desert. 

two months ago-

"I'm still curious, Paris, how do you do that transporting thing? Jumping?" I quried as the High Prince of the Winter Realm Jumped us to Asyrien , the capital city of the Winter Realm. But any thoughts I had about Jumping fell away as the shadows vanished and I beheld the beautiful city from a balcony of the Winter Palace overlooking the captivating city. 

Snow decorated the rooftops of Asyrien, and gentle snowflakes continued to fall, showering the lovely city with white powder. Lights gleamed like fireflies as the skies darkened, yet the streets were still busy, from children dancing in the streets, to the vendor owners to the mothers and sisters bargaining. 

"My city is magnificent, isn't it?" Paris whispered, his calloused hands resting upon my shoulders. I nodded, awestruck, and leaned back, supported by Paris. We must've stood there for a while, until Paris broke the silence, "Imagine Jumping like you have a portal. Your magic is the portal, and the only thing you have to do, Eve, is to vividly picture your destination."

I twisted to look at the prince, whose gaze was fixed on the beautiful city below, almost sadly, "What?" I demanded, noticing how his sad eyes fixed upon the angelic capital, abdicating all thoughts of Jumping. 

Paris only smiled sadly, "We'll start on the Jumping lessons in a month. Promise." 

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he was already walking away, his shoulders slumped. What had gotten into Paris? 

Reflection of Perfection | NaNoWriMo 2016 ( severe editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu