1 4 : p a s t · a n d · p r e s e n t

42 9 3

Paige smiled as she dabbed a wet cloth on my face, removing the remainder of the smudged makeup, "Paris has never done this for a girl, you know."

"Oh?" My voice was bored, uncaring, but deep down, somewhere, my heart fluttered slightly.

"Oh yes," Lacey responded, her talented fingers working out the tangles in my hair, "He never went to such lengths to make up a fight, not even for Helen."

"Helen?" I repeated, playing nervously with my fingers.

Paige frowned at me, as she began to put on the most subtle of rouge on my cheeks, "You know, I used have a boyfriend too, before I, you know, died."

Lacey visibly winces as pins my hair into a "casual" bun.

Paige continues, applying mascara to my lashes, "His name was Peter, and I loved him so much, and I remembered that every time we had a fight, he'd always leave a beautiful rose on the window sill after the fight, and wrote a note, a heartwarming love letter."

"Peter sounds so sweet," I commented, as she began to apply dark purple eye shadow.

Paige sighs, a sound full of sadness, "He was." And that was that.


The manor halls were long and big, lava lamps lighting the home of the Ice Prince. And, as I walked down the hall alone, I dared wonder if I would ever call this unnaturally large place my home.

Feeling anxiety grow in my chest was all it took for me to rush the last few steps, and open the heavy door to the dining room.

The beautiful chandelier that had once triggered my magic swung above the table, as luminous as ever. "You look lovely, Evelyn," Paris said, and as an afterthought, "Nothing like this afternoon."

Scowling, I made my way to the table, full of food, and took a seat.

Taking a heap of mashed potatoes, I let my thoughts take me far away from the dinner for a while.

I thought again of my sister, and wondered if she had received my letter yet. I wondered what Gaston was doing, if he was in bed with another woman, if he was still thinking of me. I contemplated on the whereabouts of my dear brother and my best friend, until Paris broke the silence.

"I'm truly sorry for all the things I've said, Evelyn." When was the last time someone as arrogant as Paris apologized? 

I nodded once, and reached for some mac and cheese, "You can't change the past, as much as you want to."

"That's true, but I can change the future." His words made me look up from my plate and at the too handsome face, his mysterious dark eyes that drew in my soul.

Raising an eyebrow, I nodded for him to continue. "I would like for us to be friend, Evelyn." Paris smiled gently at me, "if I am to spend the rest of my immortal life with you, I might as well enjoy it." Then, he took a bite of his steak.

I leaned back, a smirk evident, "Under one condition."

He sipped from his glass of wine, "What?"

"You tell me all the tales of your ex-lovers."

Paris spat out the sip of wine, "Wait, what?"

"You heard me," I challenged, a humorous gleam in my eyes.

He shook his head in disbelief, "Whatever you want, you strange girl. "

I barked out a laugh, "Only for you, Paris, only for you."

Reflection of Perfection | NaNoWriMo 2016 ( severe editing)Where stories live. Discover now