4 0 : r e u n i o n · a n d · e n t r a n c e s

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"Then who is going to destroy the world, Evelyn? Amber?" Paris pressed, exasperated. 

"No," I half lied, standing up and drawing my gaze from him, "and I really must go." 

The loud thunk of his fist connecting with the table, sending the dishes and silverware clattering, had me look back at him. "Tell. Me." Paris snarled. 

Pressing my lips together, I shook my head firmly and summoned frost to my fingers, a subtle warning. Perhaps I was indeed selfish, but lying about this, I might have just doomed the world, and that made me no better than Amber. 

Paris seemed to have come to the same conclusion as I, but said nothing as I strolled to the large windows and looked out. The first time Paris had shown me, I was in awe and wonder. But now, I could only see yet another city burning because of my choices. 

"Tell me," Paris whispered, "please." 

"Take to me Storm, please." Was my reply, as I massaged the sore spot on the back of my head. It seemed the ignite Pairs's guilt and he gestured me to follow him. The winding steps of the Winter Palace was enchanting and confusing, but I paid it no attention, and followed Paris in silence. 

Curious servants stared at us, but said nothing as we strolled pass them. We slipped past the kitchen, where only a few servants were, washing dishes, and ignored our presence. 

The Winter Prince pushed open the servant's exit and led me down a hill cloaked in snow, and into the royal stables. 

"Your horse," he sighed, waving a stable boy to hand over my stallion. I stroked its mare once in affection before I turned to Paris.

"I need to see my brother." 

A muscle jumped in his jaw, "Do I look like your servant?" The bitter cold was beginning to attack my cold skin, and I hugged my arms close to my body. 

"Do you plan to actually talk to Hades about what happened?" I retorted, teeth now chattering. 

Paris let out a low growl, leaving me with little warning as he grabbed my bare arm. As the darkness cloaked us, Paris's fingers dug into my arm. "My hor-" 

"You can get that thing later," he snapped.

Finally, what felt like an eternity later, we were at the Palace of Stars. A nymph-maids spotted us, and gawked, dropping the plate of pumpkin salad she was holding. 

"M-my, I mean, y-your h-h-igness and-d m-my princess?!" She exclaimed. Heads turned to us but Paris tugged my arm, and dragged me toward the Throne Room. The guards stared at us, slack-jawed, but a glare from Paris sent them tripping over their feet to open the door. 

As the door opened, Paris tugged me not so subtly into the throne room. As people took us in, a hush fell over the court. And where my father and Hades lounged on the dais, arguing, they shut up too. 

"Greetings, King Shade, Crown Prince Hades," Paris smoothly greeted, but few took notice. Gawking onlookers stared at me, a dead princess, alive and well, pretty damn beautiful. 

My father's shock shone through his stone facade and a hint of amusement graced my lips. Though Hades already knew, he stared at me, his expression priceless, before he managed to whisper, "Avelyn?" 

"The one and only," I drawled, ripping my arm from Paris's grip as discreetly as I could. "Did you miss me?" 

Father finally seemed to grasp an understanding of what was going on before he shot to his feet and shouted, "Out! All of you!"

Everyone made haste towards the exit, and hell, I was tempt to join them. Confronting people wasn't exactly my scene. 

a/n: evelyn's real name is avelyn, I've accidentally alternated between 'avelyn' and 'aveline' also, should I continue this as my nano project for july? or would you like to see something else? 

Reflection of Perfection | NaNoWriMo 2016 ( severe editing)Where stories live. Discover now