4 1 : p o l i t i c s · a n d · s t r a t e g y

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Milos and I trailed after him and he paused in front of a door, pushing it open. We filed into a office. It wasn't very big but it was comfortable and large enough that it didn't feel cramped. I took a seat at one of the chairs and to my surprise, it was comfortable. Milos took the seat next to me while Raymond sat in the big chair behind the desk.

"Ella, while you are here, your main focus will be to converse with other ambassadors at the peace meetings but occasionally, I will give you some paperwork, if that is alright with you." I nodded, sitting up a bit straighter.

"Milos, monitor the patrols of the Summer Village and keep an eye out for spies. Try blending in with the crowd and spy gossip that might help us and confirm if it is true. Understood?"

Milos nodded and left the room. When the door clicked shut behind him, I coughed a bit, "Do you mind if I could change into something...more casual?"

Raymond stood up, "Of course, I'll get Callie to lend you some of her clothes." Then he left me alone in his office. I studied the map on his desk- the one of Odia. Compared to the mainland, the Archipelago of Stars was tiny, easily forgotten, Neverland even smaller. My eyes burned at the thought of James, but an abrupt knock on the door jolted me from my thoughts. "Come in," I called.

A girl about my age poked her head in, "Here are the clothes you requested." I walked over and gently took them from her, "Thank you."

She smiled warmly, "Don't sweat it," and the door clicked shut. I changed quickly, gently laying aside the dress and the slippers for a tank top with a cardigan and shorts and regular black flats. Another knock came from the door and once again, I called, "Come in!"

Raymond came in and closed the door behind us, "Great. Now that you're ready, allow me to brief you." We took our seats and Raymond began. 

"You see, politics are a tricky sort. Wording always matters and the rules can warp and change. Never show the other ambassadors weakness, or they will use it against you. Reveal enough, but not too much. Try to make them like you. It is more likely they will hear you out." Raymond advised, like he was reading off a checklist.

"Okay," I agreed, taking mental notes.

Raymond looked at the files scattered on the table, "So, onto the problem. You see,  at the border cities, Fres and Subosa, territory claims are more aggressive. The Fall Realm, you should know, is the most closed off, well guarded, and composed. If there is any uprising, they have certainly suppressed and hidden it well."

I looked at the Fall Realm on Raymond's map. "Have you been to the capital, Stella?" I asked softly. Legend proclaimed it to be enchanting and magical.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Yes. I've only been there once and it was about eleven years for Princess Aveline's seventh birthday." I waited for him to add on, but he seemed like he wanted the subject dropped, so I dropped it.

"Spring," Raymond continued, "may be the smallest Realm, but its army is greater than any of ours. Led by Li Shang and Hua Mulan, their army is not the biggest, not the most brutal, but the most efficient and hard working. There have been rumors that a Prince of Spring has escaped into Summer for refuge so we can work that to our adva-"

"The Prince died," I interrupted, suppressing the memories of James. Raymond shot me a strange look, but continued, "The Winter Realm would be the hardest to invade because of its cold nature, and thus, if there is a war, they will most likely suffer the least civilian casualties. Therefore, sympathizing with the loss of citizens and destruction of cities is least likely to work on the Winter Realm."

I nodded slowly, "Well what should I mention then?"

Raymond pointed at the Spring Realm, "Get on Spring's good side. Emphasize the lost of Vona-you do know about Vona right?" I nodded. The ruined city was a warning from the Winter Realm that they were dangerous.

"Spring protects their civilians to their last breath- use this to your advantage. Winter is more focused on resources like crops. In war, without perhaps allies, they could suffer from food shortage and starvation. We are the key supplier to their supply of food, so play upon this face. As for Fall, there is really no telling. Many who step into the borders don't come out. You'll just have to pull a wild card on this one."

I nodded, "So, when did you say the meeting was?"

Raymond gave me a sheepish smile, "In fifteen minutes." 

Reflection of Perfection | NaNoWriMo 2016 ( severe editing)Where stories live. Discover now