Chapter Two: New People = Anxiety?

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Hey guys I am hitting you with another random upload so here you go. (I know short into but nothing much has happened.)

Oh, btw I have a lot of time so writing as much as I can. I don't think this will be daily but we shall see. (really doubt it though)

Thas_So_Luna Logging In


Shelby's POV:

"Liam." I said in my nervous tone, it was always obvious when I am nervous I become quitter.

"Shelby, it will be fine I promise." Liam assured me. "Graser is not scary, he is loud, but not scary."

"But he's new." I said, I hated new people, it made me anxious I get quite around other people and I have never met Graser now I am going to do a clip for our videos, alone. Well not totally alone Sabra and Delphron would be with us, I know both of them but they are not really going to talk by the sounds of what Graser has told me.

"I am just worried, what if there is an awkward silence?" I asked Liam.

"There won't be." He stated.

"But what..." I was going to asked again but he interrupted me, I hate it when people do that.

"Shelby, there won't be, Graser never shuts up. He is either talking and laughing when there should be silence anyways. It is impossible for there to be an awkward silence with him." He comforted me, sometimes I am really glad I have Liam as a friend. He looks out for me, and I am glad he socialises and knows Graser or I might have backed out of doing this. I don't know why but my anxiety has been getting worse lately.

"Ok, but if there is I am blaming you." I said in a slightly lighter tone than what the conversation had been in.

"What! Why!" Liam exclaimed making me laugh which made him laugh.

"Because you promised." I said in a slightly higher pitch than normal.

"Go, you need to get ready to film with Graser in a bit, right?" Liam said still laughing

"Ya." I sighed.

"If Graser tells be you backed out I will be phoning you. Remember that." He reminded me, he had already said this like three times. It was strange of Liam he didn't really care about these things. Maybe it was because he knew Graser. No. Maybe he could tell my anxiety was getting worse and he just cared, maybe.

It was mid-afternoon, me and Liam didn't really talk that much after he told me I should get ready. I forgot that Graser asked if we could push back the recording as he wanted to talk to a friend of his before, to tell him Britt wants him to come on the server. I decided to get my lunch and watch some of Graser's videos, just to get to know his personality more. I remember him saying if I wanted to check out his friends channel his username was 'Kingtong' but with two 'i's' like 'Kiingtong' I think. I knew Graser's was Graser10 so I searched that. His channel was filled with lots of Minecraft videos and to my astonishment he was there, Will. In like, every video of Graser's he was there, laughing and commentating there were a few without him, but not many. I decided to see if it was the same on Will's channel, and is was. Graser seemed to be in nearly all the thumbnails, two best friends. Wow, Liam is like a little third wheel in there bromance. I giggled at the thought.

Sometime went by and I was stuck on Will's channel, I was supposed to by watching Graser.

Shelby! you have NO self-control! I thought.

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