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Hannah's POV

  When I came back I was very depressed. Where could she be?,Is she hurt? For all I know she    could be on the other side of the world!  I decided i would go for a walk to calm my mind before i blew up.

I began heading outside, thoughts flying through  my mind. As I opened the door and stepped into the cool air outside my mind relaxing partially. I looked towards the 2 secuirity guards at the gates to make sure they were on post when i saw someone outside the gates....... "KATRINE!"

I quickly ran towards the gate like my  life depened on it and ordered the secuirity members to open the gates.  I quickly  scooped up her unconcious body which weighed barely anything. She looked like she hadnt ate anything.

I quickly felt deep anger to who ever did this to her. I ran to the nurse office that was inside my mansion in case anyone ever got hurt. I opened up the door and gave the nurse Katrine and the nurse calmly told me to wait outside but i could see the clear confusion on her face.

I waited outside patiently wondering what had happened to her.....


sorry for such a short chapter, but i couldnt update much because i  was fasting. Happy eid to anyone who celebrates it and if you dont happy summer vacation, schools almost over for me so i'll be able to update way more :D

- Juliabestest <3

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