tour in the mansion

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I woke up by the annoying prick that was  shaking me .

" Were here!!" a voice told me. The voice sounded so sweet and kind... It reminded me of someone.

I kept quiet while stretching my arms.

I looked up to see a house only it was really big obviously.

My  mouth open parted a bit but I tried to remain stoic.

" now come on its time for a tour" she said while smiling at me.
I didn't smiled back. maybe she was nicer then I  thought but I just felt weird, maybe I was sick?

My head hurts as I remember a woman's face...

She took me to a living room smiling gently showing me everything,

"And this is a television set. You can use this device to watch pictures ... moving!"

I glared at her, does it look I don't know what a freaking T.v. is?

She than  guided me to the kitchen that was again breath taking. That cake was making up 99%  of my amzement.

" Now lets go to your new room!" she grinned.

I tried to maintain a bored face  but inside I was bursting with excitement.

We walked up flights of stairs and my feet were getting tired, wasn't there a elevator around here ?

" Were here!" she could tell  I was tired from walking up the stairs. FINALLY! We stopped in front of a porcelien door and Hannah opened the door to

reveal the most beautifulest  room I saw so far.

the bed was surrounded by a huge fish tank on top of it, like an ark, it was beautiful that's when I looked at the ceiling and gasped , the ceiling was made out of glass and I could see the clouds and I'm sure when its night that there would be so...

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the bed was surrounded by a huge fish tank on top of it, like an ark, it was beautiful that's when I looked at the ceiling and gasped , the ceiling was made out of glass and I could see the clouds and I'm sure when its night that there would be so much stars to gaze at.

" I guess it will suit my needs" I replied.

I wondered how Hannah knew I loved star gazing and aquariums so much but I didn't give it much thought as I layed on my bed and drifted off to sleep.


I was star gazing with my parents watching the twinkling stars when I heard them scream and tell me to run, I ran and ran as fast as I could but than at the worst moment I tripped and   someone  pointed a gun to my head " your next" a familiar voice said

I woke up sweating and had a sore throat squeezing  my mothers necklace " Its ok I'm here Its just a nightmare" Hannah said with love and care and she sounded familiar to my mom at that moment " can you sleep with me?''.

She smiled warmly at me " of course"

I smiled as I snuggled In and slept but for the first time all I had were sweet dreams filled with happiness....

Hannah's POV

I looked At  Katrine with the same love I had with my daughter , I would never replace my daughter but after she died my heart was to broken, coming to this room every day to find It empty was to much.

I Stroked her beautiful hair , when I  was at the adoption center the moment I saw her I knew that I was gonna pick her . I yawned and whispered " I love you Katrine" before falling into a blissful sleep.....


Hey every one, sorry for not updating in such a long time and thanks for everyone who encouraged me to continue this book when I was about to give up on it, it means a lot and I promise that ill update a longer chapter soon

- Juliabestest <3

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