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 Hey everyone! I just wanted to notify everyone that is reading this that I don't really have a writing schedule and I basically write whenever I have time and now without further ado here's another chapter of adopted by a billionaire!                                                                       


Katrine's P.O.V

I woke up, and gave a big yawn  and looked around like a Half dead zombie.

I looked around my room and even I got to admit it was so cool, when you look up the ceilings made of glass ,

so you can see the clouds in the day and the stars in the night. I smiled because the one thing I loved most was stargazing.

I looked at my clock and saw It was only 6:00 , I reached out for my necklace ....... IT Wasn't THERE ! 

 No, no, no were is it?? I looked around panicked , it was the only thing i had to remember her by , i started to cry frustrated and i burst through the doors , and searched the hall way's , UGHHH I CANT FIND IT.

I went down stairs passed the kitchen until I reached the front door..... should i go or not? I decided that finding my mothers necklace was more important than staying here so i opened the door quietly and saw that the front gates were guarded by 2 police, well im not gonna some police get in between me and finding my moms necklace so i took a stone and threw it at the fountain and the  guards chased it and i quickly unhatched the gate and ran to the side walk.

No going back now , and i ran away to find my moms necklace......

Hannah's Pov

 i was sleeping peacefully when ..........

" MISS , THE GIRL YOU ADOPTED IS NOT IN HER ROOM" a security member said as he burst into my room

WHAT??!! WERE DID SHE GO? " calm down she's probably in this building somewhere" I quickly got off the bed and got dressed into gold and white paints a white shirt and I wore a light white fur coat just incase we went out side and I WAS DEFINITELY NOT GONNA RUN IN HIGH HEELS Soo I wore white sneakers instead :).                                                                                                                                                                        Than me and the security team looked all over the mansion and we STILL couldn't find her. I was exhausted , were could one 8 year old be??!! Again this reminded me when I was playing hide and seek with my blood related daughter but I shook the thought away tears threatining  to fall but I fought them back. I looked into the now empty room and sorrow filled me and I was just going to let my tears out.

As I continued my search, I looked under the bed and  saw something shiny under her blankets which were tossed messingly on the floor, wait It was her necklace and that's when It hit me  and I  knew where she went........

Katrine's POV

I was tired from walking and I looked out side everywhere! were the hell was it. I was blocks away from the mansion I escaped from and the side walks looked abandoned . I Was SO FRUSTRATED , and  I didn't have my moms necklace to comfort me. I was tired and I didn't think I could move anymore. It was early In the morning and I doubt anyone was awake. I wonder If anyone was looking for me...... oh who cares I just want to find the necklace and than hibernate till next year. I looked around and saw that each block was lined up with house's  and that the next store was probably a mile or 2 or 3 away. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw a BIG BLACK VAN coming In my direction.....ok.. I think this is my cue to run.

I got up and started running like my life depended on it and I kept twisting and turning until I thought I got away from it and I took a moment to catch my breath when suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist and I was frozen with fear but that didn't last long because the person ( probably a man) put a tissue in my mouth and everything turned BLACK.....


I bet everyone reading this didn't expect this ending, * sigh* if only I could see the expression on your faces, oh well. anyway, thanks everyone for reading this!! I might post on Friday or Thursday if I have time and again thanks :)

- juliabestest <3

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