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"I want to come to work with you !"

Yoongi froze and stood there looking at the small boy before going to his bedroom to get dressed.

"Oh really? it'll be boring Taehyung." He said sternly.

"Pleaaaaase? with a cherry on top?!" The boy kneels down and begs repeatedly. Yoongi chuckles.

"Fine you can come. But no trouble while I'm working okay?"

"Yes sir!" He stood up and pretended to be a soldier, he marches to the car. The older man followed him also. When he makes to the car he goes and starts the car. "I'd prefer you sitting in the back seats." Yoongi said to Taehyung who was about to get in the front passenger seats. He crosses his arms dramatically and his face went to a cute pout.

Yoongi couldn't take the fact that he was extremely so adorable right now. He just needed to pass out right at that moment.

"Aish! You're too cute. How about after work I'll take you out to eat." He said when he sat in the drivers seat. The boy nodded and smiled. Then they left the house shortly after.

When they made it to the grocery store, where Yoongi works currently. Taehyung waited for the other man to get out of his car. He did eventually get out of the car. When Yoongi got out of his car, Taehyung walked up to him and held his hands, interlaced both of their hands together. Yoongi was surprised. He blushed in excitement.

They walked into the grocery store with their hands still interlocked. A few customers near them even Yoongi's co-workers were looking at them. It's like they never saw a gay couple before. Everyone was whispering and murmuring about those two.

"Get a room you sins!" A customer yelled out.

"Maybe get more room for your head to think more." Taehyung said. The people around them gasped in shock of the boy.

"Oh my god. Who teached you how to roast?!" Yoongi grabs Taehyung's shoulders and both of them have eye contact.

"I like burning pigs." He giggles and runs off to the snack sections. Yoongi was so tempted to run after him like what wolves do when they see a bunny. It happened anyway.

By the time Yoongi run in the smack section. He saw a familiar face.

A face that made him clench his fists.

OMG I'm so sorry for not updating for two months i feel so bad. :(( The whole summer was pretty eventful for me so I didn't had time to update a lot. I really hope you still like this story even after my inactivity (:

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