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"Okay, that's a wrap."

Finally, the day the had come where he no longer would have to have a PR relationship to stay in the headlines, because Zayn was free of them as of today.

"You just fuckin' wasted my time man.  We could've had a lot of fun if you weren't a faggot." Camila told him as she looked livid.

"I'll let this one slide, because you're a pathetic excuse of a human being." Zayn says, laughing in her face.

"Nope, but that's how you'll look in the headlines after my team is done with you." Camila says, flipping him off and stomping away angrily.

Zayn laughs and turns away, immediately pulling his phone out going to his Instagram to delete the pictures he had posted of them.

"C'mon Zayn, let's go." Sarah walks up to him and leads him into the vehicle waiting for them.

Zayn had finally finished his last pap stroll with Camila, something he'd been wishing for since their relationship started. He was feeling ecstatic, since he no longer had to put up with her ugly attitude and behavior.

She really did try to get to him though, sending him nudes, showing up at his house randomly, and even trying to seduce him. But she didn't comprehend the meaning of the word gay, so Zayn could do nothing else but laugh at how pitiful she was being.

Stepping into the car, he sits down and puts his seatbelt on while Sarah taps her fingers on her knee.

"What's wrong, Sarah?" he asks her, feeling kind of weirded out by her odd behavior.

"Her team is going to fuck with your image so terribly, Zayn. I don't know how I'd fix it." She replies honestly.

Zayn remains silent for a moment, not knowing what to reply to her, but he knows he's got to tell her something important.

"Sarah, I want to come out. I don't care whether the world knows I'm gay, or that I'm in love with a man. I wanna live my life without hiding anymore."

She remains silent for a while, until a big smile spreads on her face. "That's it! If you come out, that news would blow away the news of your alleged cheating."

"No, no. This isn't a game to me, it's my actual life. Do you think I give a shit about what lies Camila's team are going to say about me?" Zayn is bemused that Sarah would see this as a PR opportunity.

"No games, Zayn. I will let you handle your coming out however you want but you've got to trust me in handling your story in the press. I don't want it getting twisted, and I don't want you to lose supporters that will believe those lies. I'm your manager, Zayn and I will not let your image get too tarnished."

"Thank you, Sarah. That means a lot." Zayn says, smiling. At least it's one thing in his life that's starting to look up.



"Zayn Malik and Camila Cabello have called it quits!"

"Zayn Malik cheated on Camila.. With a stripper?"

"Camila Cabello says ex Zayn Malik is an idiot for cheating on her but still loves him? "

"Camila Cabello is devastated by Zayn's cheating, sources say."

"Oh no, our #Zaymila hearts are broken 💔 Zayn and Camila have called it quits after 2 months of dating. Here's a timeline of their relationship.

Zayn looks at these headlines and laughs hysterically as Sarah gives him a confused look.

"You okay there Zayn?" She asks and Zayn wipes the tears from his eyes.

Cruel (ziam) // shortstoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora