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"..We messed around until we found the one thing we said we could never ever live without, I'm not allowed to talk about it, but I gotta tell you.

Cause we are who we are when no one's watching, and right from the start you know I got you"

Zayn sets his guitar down and sighs sadly. It's been a almost a month since Liam broke up with him and he hasn't been feeling all too well. He's heartbroken and depressed, a lovely combination.

He feels like his heart has been ripped out of his chest, the reminder of Liam breaking up with him still hits him hard.

Life is meaningless to him without the love of his life. Liam was the only person who sincerely knew Zayn and without him he feels lost.

Zayn hasn't let anyone know that they're over because he really doesn't want to accept it. How can he move on after the happiest 4 years of his life? Will he ever be genuinely happy without Liam?

He texted Liam the day after their breakup, telling him to stay in the apartment and to keep the car, he doesn't need them if he can't share them with Liam.

Zayn feels exhausted, he hasn't been eating or sleeping lately since that dreadful day, nor does he go out anymore.

His management team is extremely angry that he's been neglecting his duties and the label is threatening to drop him, but he quite frankly doesn't give a fuck. This lifestyle made Liam leave, so Zayn despises it.

Louis is the only one that really knows why Zayn is so upset, so he comes by more often to check on him.

Camila has tried too, but Zayn can't deal with her so he closes the door on her face whenever she's at his house.

Maybe he's being an asshole, but he doesn't care anymore.

Zayn gets up from the couch he was sitting on and goes to his bedroom. He's tired, so fucking tired, so he decides to call it a night.

He strips down to his boxers and gets in his bed, trying his best to not think about the man in Bradford who broke his heart..





Waking up to the vibration of his phone, Zayn feels cranky as he looks at the time. It's 4am! Who the fuck could be bugging him this early.


Ever since Liam ended things, Zayn has kept in touch with Ally to make sure Liam was okay. They talked every now and then, and it helps him keep his peace of mind knowing that Liam is doing fine.

From: Ally
Hey Zayn! Just a quick question


But now that I sent the first text, I was wondering if you've spoken to Liam..

TO: Ally
Aha its okay dont worry
and no i haven't.
is he ok ??

From: Ally
ah.. yeah he's fine sorry for bugging you

TO: Ally
? are u sure because I feel like you wanna tell me somethin

Cruel (ziam) // shortstoryWhere stories live. Discover now