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"Is there trouble in paradise? Camila Cabello spotted leaving boyfriend Zayn Malik's house in tears! Is he cheating? Is he using drugs? More at 11!"

"Turn that shit off" Louis says, grabbing the remote control out of Zayn's hands as he blankly stares at the TV. "I dunno why you insist on watching this utter crap."

"They're making me out to be a monster again, what's new?" Zayn says, shrugging like it's no big deal – but in reality it hurts him sometimes.

He's just a singer who loves his fans and dedicates his life to his music, and yet these media lies love to twist and taint his image. He's nothing like the media portrays him to be, at least he thinks so.

"Are you gonna listen to a fuckin' gossip site that knows absolutely nothing about you, mate?" Louis says in an annoyed tone.

"And yet the only person who knew me entirely left me, that must say something about my character or some shit" Zayn says, lifting the shot of Patron he poured himself earlier.

"Cheers" he says, and tilts his head back to swallow the alcohol. He winces and sets the shot glass back on the table.

"It's barely 9am, the fuck dude" Louis says smacking Zayn upside the head.

"Fuck off" Zayn says chuckling, swatting Louis' hands away.

"I know you're depressed but what the hell, have some dignity and leave the drinking til at least 12 mate" Louis says rolling his eyes.

"Eh, never to early to start" Zayn says cheekily, pouring himself another shot.

"Have you even made an attempt to visit Liam? I swear I can't stand you while you're in this funk."

"I haven't, nope. Anyways, what's the schedule for today?" Zayn says distractedly.

"And why the fuck haven't you?" Louis says annoyed.

"Do I have interviews, performances, anything?" Zayn says nonchalantly.

"Stop fucking avoiding the fuckin' topic and tell me" Louis says knocking the shot glass out of his best friend's hand.

"You're lucky the glass didn't break" Zayn says rolling his eyes. "I haven't seen him because I'm scared, alright? I've been holding down this hope that maybe, just maybe, he'll call me back at any moment and say he regrets breaking up. But the minute I go see him and he tells me straight up that we're done.. It'll fucking break me, man. I can't deal with that right now."

"You never know if you don't try it out though, Zayn."

"I just can't risk it. Not talking to him for almost a month is already driving me crazy. I can't lose that shred of hope that I have that one day everything will be okay with us. He's tired of the fake relationships and so am I. I don't wanna hide him anymore, he's the best thing that ever happened to me, and if I have to give up this fame shit for him then I'll do it." Zayn says, determined. He really is ready to come out to the world now and let everyone meet the true love of his life.

"Then why don't you just tell him that?"

"Because he's not answering my texts or my calls. I gotta give him space, mate. Once something is stuck in his head it's stuck until he slowly gets the idea out of his head" Zayn says sadly. "Let's just go out or something." As Zayn starts to get up, he receives a e-mail from Sarah.

You and Camila will be photographed one more time, and then it's done. This was causing more damage to her career. But just be aware that your image will be twisted in the media. Camila's team is willing to end this relationship if they make you out to be a cheater and make her look like the innocent victim. Do you agree?

Zayn smiles widely, and even though this entails tarninshing his image, he agrees to do this. No more fake relationships. Hearing this news is making him consider flying back to Bradford to see Liam, and tell him everything. Maybe he'd take him back and they can be happy after all..

"Woah, sudden change in moods. What's up?" Louis says curiously.

"This shit with Camila is done, well after a photo op where we look miserable or like we hate each other. Her team will make me out to be the bad guy and fuck with my image a bit but I'll be free! I'm so fucking happy." Zayn says ecstatic.

"Well shit, I'm happy for you bro. Maybe now your team will let you come out"

"I'm doing it regardless. No more hiding Liam." Zayn says, ready to text Liam the good news but is interrupted by his phone receiving an incoming call.


Zayn excuses himself and walks to his room before picking up. Once he's inside he closes the door and hops on the bed, answering the phone call.

"Hey Dinah" Zayn says nervously. He doesn't know what to expect, all he can hope for is that Liam is doing well.

"Hey Zee. So I went to visit Liam yesterday -"

"How is he?" Zayn says interrupting, making Dinah giggle.

"Well if you'd let me finish I'll fucking tell you. Anyways, he's not doing too well Zayn. You really need to get your ass here and speak to him face to face."

"Dinah, I can't -"

"You can and you will. I swear to God you both are so stubborn. Get your ass to Bradford ASAP. Liam needs you now more than ever."

"What's wrong with Liam?"

"Zayn please just get your ass here. You two need to sort out these issues you have. It's all a mess and only you can fix it."

"Fine, fine. I'll go. I'm booking a flight for Friday, since tomorrow I'm on my last stunt stroll."

"Wow, already? I'm glad you're free of her. I tried working with her once and never again will I go through that pain. What a snobby little girl."

"Well I'm free of her, and that's what I wanna tell Liam. I promise that I'll get on the first flight back home on Friday."

"Alright Zayn. And if you aren't in Bradford by then I'll personally drag you there myself. Well I've got to go, please let me know how things work out."

"Definitely, I'll keep in touch. Bye Dee, love you" Zayn says as he hangs up.

Looks like he's going back home.


small chapter but it's an update still (not content with it but whatever)

will i give you the ziam ending you deserve? 🤔

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