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"Your love is a one in a million,
it goes on and on and on.
You give me a really good feeling
all day long"

Zayn slowly wakes up as he hears the soft singing coming next to him, his boyfriend singing along to Aaliyah's One in a Million.

He opens one eye, watching as Liam runs his fingers through Zayn's hair with his eyes closed.

Zayn just watches Liam, trying to memorize everything about him before he has to leave again.

From Liam's pretty plump lips and the way they feel against his and the way Liam looks at him with those precious golden brown eyes were what Zayn wanted to always remember when he was gone.

Liam was just so beautiful, not only on the outside but inside as well.

He was one of the kindest and most gentle souls he's ever met, always putting others before himself and that made Zayn's love grow.

He felt his heart swell up and he decides to close his eyes, enjoying Liam's singing.

He's got a soft voice, but damn is it powerful. Its a beautiful sound really, keeps Zayn completely in awe of him.

He decides to close his eyes and fall asleep right where he always craves to be.. Next to Liam.


"C'mon Zaynie, let's go eat at that cafe across the street. I bet its amazing!" Liam says excitedly.

They're out and about in Bradford, walking around their hometown.

Zayn had told his mother he was finally in Bradford, and she could not be any more happier. She insisted on having him and Liam go over to have dinner with his family and he agreed.

He misses his family very much when he's away and cannot wait to see them. He's glad his family is very accepting of his relationship with Liam, and always have since day one. His parents just know that Zayn will end up marrying Liam one day...

"C'mon Zayn, walk faster" Liam says, folding his arms against his chest and Zayn resists the urge to hold Liam's hand.

If Zayn could, he'd hold Liam's hand with pride out in public and never feel ashamed for it. But for stupid contractual obligations, Zayn cannot do that at the moment, so he settles for giving Liam a smile anytime he looks at Zayn. The paps have photographed them together before, and just name Liam as a friend.

They finally get to the cafe and Zayn automatically puts his head down and goes to sit at a booth in the back as Liam goes to give their order.

He doesn't want any paps to know he's currently in Bradford because it'd ruin his vacation time.

He pulls out his phone and opens up Twitter, receiving a notification that Camila had just followed him. She only follows 10 other users so now people are starting to talk. How desperate.

Zayn grunts as he keeps scrolling through Twitter and starts seeing some of his fans tweets about Camila, some here for that relationship and others totally against it.

He decides to follow the ones who said something negative about "Zaymila". He laughs to himself and puts his phone away once he sees Liam arriving to the booth.

Cruel (ziam) // shortstoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu