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"Zayn! Zayn calm down!" Sarah said, trying her hardest to calm her client down. She got up to restrain him which ended up in Zayn getting out of her grasp quickly.

"Don't touch me Sarah. I'm done with you. I'm not doing this shit again! I just got out of a year long thing with Dinah and you already wanna throw me into something? Are you trying to fuckin' ruin me?!" Zayn said angrily, still definitely seeing red. He could not believe he was about to be thrown into another faux relationship.

"Oh my God. Calm the fuck down, Christ. It's not the end of the world buddy. You should feel fuckin' honored to have upgraded from Dinah to me."

Zayn's anger only intensified. "You expect me to put up with this bullshit?!" He said, pointing at Camila. "Some conceited failure that can't get famous on her own so she needs to hop on my back for that - you're really putting me with her?!"

"Look, Zayn just sit down please" Sarah begged as Camila snickered in the background.

Zayn sighed loudly and sat down, feeling defeated. "I'm tired of this shit Sarah."

"Look, it's not that bad. It's just a quick promo grab for her and it'll help keep you in the headlines."

"But Dinah and I literally just ended. Why are you trying to make it seem like I moved on so quickly? Why make me seem like the asshole in this situation?"

"You and Dinah ended on friendly terms so it's only natural that you'd end up dating someone who catches your attention and fills your need to be with someone like you talk about in your music, which is where Camila comes in to play. You'll be with her for a bit, a few pap pics here and there and that's it" Sarah explained.

"For how long?" Zayn asked, already expecting the worse.

"If the public doesn't like Zaymila, then three months tops. If they do, then maybe longer" Sarah winces.

"Stop being a whiny bitch, damn" Camila says annoyingly. "It's not a good situation but shut the hell up already, you aren't hot shit to demand things already"

"Sorry can't hear you from the top of the charts and nominations, babe" Zayn says giving her a sarcastic smile. "I'm doing you the favor darling, it should count as charity work."

Sarah starts coughing to hide her giggles and Zayn smirks to himself. "Fuck you, whatever" Camila says rolling her eyes.

"Where even are you on the charts? Didn't your last single not even make it onto the Hot 100?"

"Look" the man sitting next to Camila finally speaks. "I don't appreciate you speaking about my daughter like that. I'm not only her manager but her father as well and I need you to respect her."

Zayn looked at her baffled. "I'm doing you and your daughter the favor. So how about you both show me some fuckin' respect since I'm about to make her career skyrocket, if that" Zayn said smugly.

"You're such an asshole, damn." Camila said sharply.

"Oh fuckin' well, right? I could be with the love of my life right now yet I'll be here with you trying to give you fame. I'm losing more than you are."

"How is Liam, by the way?" Sarah asks him.

"Liam?! You're gay? Oh thats just what I needed. A fucking conceited fag, wow." Camila said, pissed off.

"Wow so not only are you a narcissistic bitch, you're also a hateful homophobic bitch? How did I get so fuckin' lucky. Sarah how much am I getting paid to do this shit?"

"Well Mr. Cabello and I have been discussing this and we think you'll walk out with $500,000."

"Nope, I want 2 million."

"Zayn! That's too high. There's no way that could happen" Sarah said trying to reason with him.

"Sarah I swear to god if I don't get 2 million from this I will get out of my contract with you. You know I make more than when I did before and it'll be easy to find a better manager. I'm your most successful client and I need to be treated like it now."

"I'll do it" Mr. Cabello spoke up. "I'll give him the 2 million tomorrow.

"Dad no that's too much money!"

"Quiet, Camila. I will give you the 2 million tomorrow, but you and Camila stay together for a year.

"No deal. They will stay together as long as the public deems it fit" Sarah spoke up.

"2 million tomorrow or no deal. Your daughter's career will sky rocket after this. I can't guarantee how successful she'll be but she'll definitely have more recognition than just a Teen Choice award" Zayn argued back.

"Fine. It's a deal" Mr. Cabello said annoyed.

"Zayn, I will give you the paperwork and you have to have it all signed by tomorrow. And you and Camila will be seen publicly next week. I will let you know more details when we approach the date."

"I won't have them for you tomorrow, I'm going back home right now"

"You can't go back right now, you have interviews and bookings to attend."

"I'll be back in three days, at least give me that" Zayn said, determined to not let Sarah run his personal life.

"Maybe after being with me you'll turn straight like a normal person. You're too hot to be a gay boy" Camila said, purposely provoking Zayn.

"And you're the right amount of ugly to match that hideous personality" Zayn smiled at her mockingly.

"Ugh! Dad, let's go. I'm tired of being in the same room as such a gross human being" Camila said, getting up quickly and leaving the room, slamming the door behind her.

"We'll be in communication" Mr. Cabello said, extending his hand to Zayn.

Zayn snorted and got up to also leave the room.

He walked down the corridor and left, exiting the building. He pulls out his phone to find a text from Liam, which makes his mood less shitty.

From: Liam!
hii babe lol just a reminder
that i love you very much ❤🙈

Zayn smiles and sends him back an "I love you so much baby".

He hurries back home and gathers some clothes in a backpack, knowing he's got more of his things back in his apartment with Liam.

He leaves his house and drives to the airport and he feels so excited.

Liam is the only good thing he has in this cruel world, and he can't wait to finally see him and hold him.

To: Liam!
im coming home baby


told y'all i'd double update fast!!

damm camila is a bitch in this fic tho


(Not edited)

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