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Axel grabbed her hand as Raven refused to budge from her place as she had little trust for her mate.

"Raven, I need you to trust me. Please." Axel plead as Raven raised a brow.

"Then why do you have a blindfold over my eyes?" She asked.

"Because I want this to be a surprise. Just let me show you how much I love you, please." The male begged, she was his weakness and he would do anything for her, even if she walked all over him he would accept it. After all, he did fuck up pretty badly in the past and it was going to be awhile before Raven would forgive him.
Raven! Just go with him please. Lilith urged as Raven complied and as she relaxed, she felt an arm around her waist, guiding her to wherever she was meant to go.

The female human took small cautious steps up steep stairs as her mate guided her slowly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable though she already was with her lack of defence, feeling vulnerable without a weapon with her. Axel wanted nothing more but to surprise her, just trigger some of her emotions again, making her feel something once more for him. After reaching their destination Axel placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning into her mark and gently nibbling on it.

"You can take off the blindfolds now." Axel said as shocks of pleasure shot through his mate. Slowly Raven untied the blindfold, half of herself not wanting to find out what was in front of her but the other half burning with excitement. Removing it from her eyes she gasped at the sight in front of her.

Looking down she realised she was in the lantern of a lighthouse as candles decorated the edges but this time, white rose petals covering the ground. A tear fell from her eye as she looked out into the calm ocean not bothering to wipe it away. No one had ever done anything like this for her, not even in her old pack. How he knew the sound of waves soothed her, she didn't know but she was grateful for it.

"H-how did you know?" Raven asked as Axel came up behind her wrapping his hands around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I will go to hell and back just to make you happy Raven, to make you feel at home, to calm you, please you." Axel cooed as Raven bit her lip confused at the feelings flowing through her. She promised herself that she would never put her happiness in the hands of someone else but how can you not when he's your mate? Yet still, she dismissed her emotions.

"I love you." Axel said again as Raven turned around to face him.

"You said that multiple times." She stated as he captured her lips for a short passionate kiss once again, savouring the taste of her.

"And I'll say that a thousand times more until you remember that forever, because I do Raven. With all my heart." Axel confessed caressing her cheek, staring into her blue eyes.

"Why? Why when I don't love you back?" Raven questioned turning back around watching the waves crash against the shore.
You don't mean that. Lilith growled.
Yes, I really do. I'm...confused. Raven admitted to her wolf as more tears fell. She felt stupid, she felt like a retarded teenage girl who was so lost and empty inside not really knowing what was going on.

She wasn't living, she was just alive.

She was only ever living for less than a week before she crawled back to the hollow everlasting darkness, now refusing to let go.

Raven had no idea how much power she truly had. She had power over her mate who is the Alpha of one of the strongest packs, she had Axel wrapped around her pinky finger, on his knees at her will. She was his weakness, and only his. After all neither Axel or Alec liked to share. When his parents died the last thing they told him was to never share what was his. If he shared the title of Alpha with another, they might someday overpower him. If he shared his wolf with another man, his wolf might like the other better. If he shared his woman, she might choose the other man, and never come back. No way in hell was he going to let that happen.

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