New Systems

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Raven's POV
I was up at 7:40am getting ready to train a group of teenagers and adults, men and women. Walking down to the dull training room I started warming up. Doing some stretches and what not. Soon it would be time to show them what I was made of.

Everyone training with me get ready in 20 minutes.

I started planning what to start warm up with. Hm, lets see, we can have a 5km run and then do some boxing. Today we will be working on hand to hand with no weapons. Sounds good enough. 20 minutes later a group of the pack members gathered in front of me. Some frowned not believing their Luna could actually train them as I just stood there smugly. As everyone settled I smiled and spoke.

"Good morning everyone. You all might be wondering, why the hell is our Luna training us? Especially a woman? Ok, I'll tell you. This pack, is one of the strongest in the USA. Definitely the strongest in Oregon but now, let us really think. How powerful are we really? I attended one of the training sessions that your Beta's son Julian was holding and coaching. Wasn't impressed. To start, lets have a warm up of what I am expecting. A volunteer to fight me?" I asked beaming. I was giddy and excited to finally take control. God this would be fun. A few men stepped to the front but one stood out. He was big, buff, and others somewhat feared him. As he stepped out they cowered and shuffled back. I smirked. A new target.

"Your name?" I asked pointing at him.

"Alex, Luna." He bowed his head. I invited him up to the ring. I signalled Julian to ring the bell and he lunges straight at me. I dodged sighed.

"Never put your full balance and force into one simple attack." I punched at his chest as he brought both hands up to deflect and I quickly jabbed his stomach.

"Never use two hands to block." I stated as he stumbled back. I turned around and bowed as I sent a punch from my side towards the back of me and saw Alex on the ground panting.

"Never attack the same opponent, and never from the back. It's too obvious." I smiled innocently as the people around me quietened. The man stayed on the ground as I frowned. Helping him up I put one of his arms around my neck and helped him onto a chair bringing out an ice pack from the mini first aid box thing. I'm sure I didn't punch that hard. Anyways, I turned back to the people. There were about 15. The so called best warriors.

"Well? Any other challengers?" I asked as they all bowed their head.

"Then let's start." I smirked.


"Give them a break, Goodness Raven." Axel sighed at the bunch of exhausted, sweating and weary werewolves I was training. I checked the time. It was barely 4 hours. I frowned and reluctantly agreed.

"Everyone have an hour's break. Be back here on time or you will get extra training while the rest watches. Other than that, have fun children!" I dismissed as they let out howls of victory slowly rushing out. I don't remember being this tired in my 12 hours of constant training. Well, maybe on the first few weeks.

"Now I have you all to myself. I heard you were helping a few and there, while wearing those shorts and that sport bra?" Axel growled.

"Chillax. They know you're my mate, plus, I'm marked. You're awful scent is all over me." I sniffed myself and choked.

"Please, you love my scent. And you smell beautiful too. Lavender and vanilla." He said smelling my hair. I pushed him off and scowled.

"You creep." I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your creep, and you're my mate." Axel said pulling me into his chest again. I tried struggling out but yet eh held me there tightly.

"Nuh uh uh. You, my Raven, might be faster, and have a few tricks here and there but I will always be stronger." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I quickly composed myself and dirty thoughts came to my mind. I started kissing his jawline white my hand travelled down to his zipper and pulled it down. Rubbing my body against him he groaned as I started rubbing AxelJunior with only a thin cotton cloth between us.

"S-stop it R-raven." He groaned as I tugged his hair with one hand.

"I was just giving you a small taste of one of my tricks." I snickered. I dropped it all and stepped back from him leaving him dumbfounded and horny. What can I say?

"Don't think that you will get away with that without a little something tonight, and I better be the only one you use that trick on." He growled advancing towards me and holding me close, pinching my ass. I squealed as I smacked his arm away.

"Now let me go check on the pack. I still want to learn some more about this system thingy." I said flicking his forehead walking away. I jogged up to the 5th floor where all the pups are nursed and taken care of. As I soon as I stepped onto it three boys dashed past as screams and shouts were heard. There were babies here, possibly only six months old, all up to twelve year olds, just about to reach their teenage years.

"Yeah, it's a little noisy up here." Axel muttered rubbing the back of his neck. I looked around to see only women caring for the children and my feminist side came out strong.

"And where the hell are the men Axel?" I barked as calmly as possible attracting some attention. The women and children bowed their heads at the sight of their Luna and Alpha as Axel gulped.

"Uhm, the men are out patrolling the borders while the women...take care of the kids?" He stated, what seemed like came out more of a question.

"And the men can't take care of the children while the women guard the pack's territory?" I asked pointing at all of them.

"Well they can but-"

"But what? Women are weak? I am sure, and very sure I have already shown you who exactly is weak. We are changing this." I stated.

"This has been going on for hundred of years. You can't just change-"

"I can Axel, and I will." I growled and he sighed.

"I'll gather up the pack...and you can announce your new rule thingy ma bob." Axel walked out and I smiled at the children before walking out again.

The pack was gathered in front of the house in no time. I stood at the front with Axel beside me.

"We want to make a change to the pack system." Axel boomed. All ears tuned in as the pack listened curiously at the new rules.

"All women, are to be treated as equals to men. They will be allowed to guard the pack territory, allowed to fight and will not just stay to take care of the children." I yelled. Whispers broke through the crowd. It was fair. The women are trained in this pack, but never allowed to use their skills or strength.

"All men are allowed to take care of children if they want to, and will not be disrespected because of this."

"Is that all?" Axel whispered. I nodded.

"You are dismissed." Axel shouted and both men and women ran to their rooms with friends filing out forms for the new system. When I was just about to go back to the room I froze. Training.

"SHIT! Axel! The training!" I panicked. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"They are probably also going to file requests. Have a rest for today." He said. I sighed in relief and felt myself being lifted by two strong arms.

"AXEL! PUT ME DOWN!" I tried squirming out of his hold but he just pinched my butt instead shutting me up. Damn it. I saw him walk up the flights of stairs to our room, kicking the door open and slamming it behind us. Laying me on the bed he hovered above me staring into my eyes. He placed kisses down my neck hungrily as I let out a soft moan when he sucked on my sweet spot.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting to hear that." He whispered making me blush.

"And you don't know how long I have been waiting to be inside you." I froze when I heard that. It was always my wish to stay a virgin until marriage but marking your mate is the equivalent. You know what? Fuck that thought. I kissed him back letting him know I was ready as he groaned in delight.

Y'all know what happens next so imma just leave it there.

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