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I played with the simple diamond ring on my finger. Engaged again huh? I know this one will work out fine. It has to. I mean, Axel's our mate and plus, I love him. I felt two strong arms wrap around my torso as I melted into his embrace.

"Hey babe."Axel greeted.

"Hi. What's up?"

"Do you know that tomorrow is the 9th full moon?" Axel asked.

"Yeah?" I questioned turning around to face him.

"You know, the Moonlight Ball?" He said in a duh tone. I gasped.

"You mean that ball for Alpha's and Luna's and they all dance in honour of the Moon Goddess? What about it? Wait, shit! I'm a Luna which means I get to go!" I squealed. Axel laughed and took my hands in his.

"There's one problem. Every year all Alphas and Lunas are invited. Including the Rouge leaders, as they are, you know, alpha and luna of the rouge. That means-"

''Damian will be there." I finished. He nodded and pecked my lips.

"That also means that you will be staying with me the whole time." He smiled.

"There will be over 2000 people there. It would be nearly impossible to just meet him." I sighed.

"But you're still staying with me. There are some unmated Alphas and if you even try to run away, I will find you Raven. Don't doubt me." He whispered seductively into my ear. I shivered at his voice as his hands moved down to my woman parts.

"You are mine. This, is mine." He said squeezing my area making me gasp.

"And I take care of what's mine to whatever extent I need to. By the way I picked out a dress for you. It's a tradition that everyone wears those fancy ass ballgowns so I chose one for you." Axel smirked.

"Where exactly is it being held this year?" I questioned.

"Australia, Tasmania. Ideally we should leave now since it takes about 19hr 30mins." He shrugged. I slapped his head and started running towards the closet to see luggages already neatly set out.

"Jesus christ woman. Everything's sorted and packed." He sighed and I took the black one and started descending down the stairs with a heavy ass luggage.

"Wtf ya put in ere man." I panted.

"A few clothes. And your, you know, weapons. You would kill me if you reached there without any." Axel rolled his eyes. I continued carrying the huge bags down the stairs until we reached the ground Axel took mine with him as he walked towards the garage and unlocked one of his Bugatti's.

"Hop on in. I've got a private jet so we will be fine." He stated as I sat on the leather chair and he drove off. About 45 minutes later we were outside by the jet, Axel lifting both our luggages into it. I climbed up the stairs and entered to a lavish environment. White leather chairs, in another chamber a bed, there was a small kitchen and a bathroom. I gasped and rushed over to a chair plonking myself on it and laying back.

 I gasped and rushed over to a chair plonking myself on it and laying back

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