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Raven's POV
No way.
This can't be happening.
At least not now.

It was Damian. King of the Rouges. He snickered as they unstrapped me of my safety gear and chucked it out. He quickly cuffed my hands to the bars before I could even react and pushed me onto the chair.

"What the hell do you want with me?" My voice cracked at the attempt to shout.

"Now, if I were you I wouldn't use that tone, well if you want your little innocent baby to live." Damian said sharpening his dagger. I shrunk back into the chair and focused on the baby inside me. The faint heartbeat. It's...healthy. As far as I can tell it's heartbeat is normal. I sighed in relief, but my heart still clenched and cold. Was Axel really dead? I tried mind linking to him but I got no where. No connection, not even a faint tug or anything.

"You are quite a pretty thing you know?" Damian chuckled tilting his head as I glared at him.

"Where is Axel? What did you do to him?" I asked convinced he was behind all of this.

"Shhh, he should be dead by now. Tell me, do you still feel him through the mate bond? Answer that for yourself." Damian sneered. Tears started welling up as I closed my eyes. The mate bond was faint. Faint as if he was asleep, unconscious, but it was fainter than usual. As if he was on the brink of death. Running my fingers over my mark I sighed as I played with my ring on the other hand. Damian, please stay alive, for me, and our baby. A laugh snapped me out of my trance as Damian cocked his head to the side.

"You know, I do have many things planned for you and your dear baby, though I am afraid it won't live for long."

"Don't you dare bring my child into this." I growled as I felt Lilith awaken inside me.
I leave you to sleep for a few days and this happens? She questioned clearly annoyed, stressed and angry.
Shut up! You are the one who just randomly went to sleep when I needed you, heck we're meant to be one, not two seperate fucking beings. I snapped back. The silence grew between Lilith and I before I sighed.
Look, I'm sorry. You're the only person I have left, other than our baby and I'm just so...scared. Can you feel Axel's wolf? I asked.
Yeah, I'm sorry too. The bond between Alec and I is quite normal but I can't reach out to him for some reason. She replied. Hearing that I took a deep breath in relief. Thank god.
Thank you. I said and a rough landing snapped me out of the link. The sound whirring disappeared and it all became to quiet for my liking. Damian's eyes glazed over as he mind linked to his pack members. Damn it. 10 men surrounded us lined up.

"Peter. Inject her." He shrugged. I struggled trying to get out, or break the handcuffs but it didn't work. What? No. I always could. I was strong enough. I am strong enough. I jerked them forwards only to feel a stinging pain in the cuffs.

"No point struggling love. It's hunter's magic." He snickered. Hunter's magic...werewolf hunter's magic. Deadly magic. They are rare. Only about 3-5 of them in USA. No, the baby. A man came up with a needle, in the tube, wolfsbane. I got this. I swung one leg up at his neck, still chained down as he stumbled backwards.

Lilith, shift now. I commanded. I felt my bones crack at a rapid speed and break as I broke the chains. Only pure hunter's magic works on wolves, it must be a half-breed he has with him. I felt my dress rip in half as Lilith growled leaping at Damian and dragging her claws down his chest. Two hands were placed on her legs as Lilith swung around and bit a man in the face. Leaping out of the helicopter we both ran as fast as we could, until a needle pricked our skin. The wolfsbane forced us to shift back to our human form. I screamed in agony as my bones were forced to snap and were shoved back into my skin. Another needle pricked me as my eyes drooped.

"" I managed to choke out.


I laid on the stone cold ground as the uneven floor pricked my bare skin. All I could hear was the pounding of my head, loud and clear in my ears. My body to weak to move, so I just stayed there, listening to my throbbing headache. My memories were still clear. All of it seemed to happen so quick, we were just lying on the bed...discussing baby names. Now? I was lying on the floor with an empty soul. I projected my hearing into my stomach, for just a faint heartbeat, or one at all. It's funny how life works. They say, a life in exchange for another. The baby, it's life was taken away. For no one, just taken without a purpose. Some men talk about abortions like it's the most normal thing on earth. You know, I never saw the face of my child, yet salty tears are streaming down, dripping onto the ground. I never even knew if it was a boy or a girl I am, crying. Crying for someone I never met, someone I never knew. It pains me so much to know that my baby is dead, the only thing I have left. Pregnant after the first time having sex. Pregnant for only a few days, but the impact was huge. Heck I don't even know how long I've been out.

I choked breaths made it hard for me to think, to breathe, as I laid here, trying to find a reason to still live. I had no connection with Lilith, no baby, and only left with a faint mate bond. Axel was alive, but was he really worth it? Raven, now tell me, what has he done for you? My subconscious mind questioned. He loves me, cares for me, would die for me. He's my whole world. I convinced myself. Really? He fucked you, not made love to you. He got you pregnant, do you see him here comforting you? Where is he now? It asked. He's resting okay? He nearly died and he's probably also panicking and worrying about me. each other. I love him. He loves me back. We are mates. Alpha and Luna. We rule a pack. We are engaged, and we are in love. Yet love is an illusion only to deceive the mind, only to convince us there was some sort of light in this world. Did he love you when he killed your pack? Your only family? Did he love you when he claimed to rape you? Did he love you when he sexually harassed you? He apologised, and you forgave him, but did you even think about that just being an act? Now, I was stuck.

So many questions. What was real? What wasn't. What if I'm just over thinking things. I am overthinking things. Axel holds one of the strongest packs, he will find me in a week or less. And here you are, thinking about some man where Nyla, Kylie and Lexi would die for you, but not anymore. You left them. You left them without a thought when they supported you. It spoke again. And it spoke the truth. I did leave them when they would have done anything for me. I just ditched them to join my mate I vowed never to love. My eyes slowly fluttered open as it met the darkness. The comforting cold holds of nothingness. There was nothing but a barred door. What was there to do other reflect. If I was never his pack would be alive. I would have a normal boyfriend. Still believing in smurfs, not drowning myself in a blood bath. Loving. Caring. And if I ever did get pregnant...the baby would still be alive. There would be no rouge kings after me. No fucking troubles coming my way. I would be a normal werewolf. Normal...what those who are troubled label as a paradise for their sanity. I'm stuck here now, and God knows how long until I'll be out..or if I ever will. I was caged.

Im sorry for not updating. School is killing me so bad and I have a trumpet exam coming up. Need to memorise the scalesssss. Byee

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